14 Angry Men

The 12 burpees of Christmas workout on Saturday put a real hurting on the Pax, so YHC decided to keep the theme and prepare a workout modeled after the 3 Wise Men.  It didn't go nearly as smoothly.  So much mubblechatter and confusion that I had to change the workout name from wise.  Angry is much more fitting for this group.


1 lap around church, back to start.  IC- IST 15, WM 10, CP 10.  Pick up a rock.


4 minutes AMRAP of two exercises (10 per) at each station with 1 minute rest between.

Station 1- burpees, military

Station 2- bobby hurley, pullups

Station 3- box jumps, merkin

Station 4- 8 count bb, squat press

Station 5- hurpees, wood chopper

Station 6- curls, run around church

Mary- shoulder taps, peter parker, j lo


Pink Slip noticed that we ended in the same spot after the first lap and it could've been avoided.  All part ot the plan.

Much consternation and mumble about carrying the rocks to stations where they weren't needed.  You're welcome.

Lear tried to leave early for coffee but it was too dark for him to find his way out.

Deepend either can't hear or pretends not to know when to start.  Do we have an ear doctor in the group?

Chief made sure to point out that most exercises weren't good for Cupcakes back.  He cares.

Londonwhale likes a J Lo much more than a Mason Twist.

Porker now has the sweetest stash in Race City!

Totebag seemed sad.  Maybe it was the Sunday afternoon football game in the City of Champions?

Great job resisting the fartsack and coming out to work when we're all busy this time of year.  I'm inspired by you all and thankful every day for F3.


Cheez Whiz