14 men showed up for an upper body smoke fest


One lap around the parking lot

SSH x 15ic

IST x 15ic

Windmill x 10 ic

Merkins x 10 ic

Mtn Climber x 10 ic

The Thang

Mosey with kettle bell over to the playgound

Pull ups x 10 / Merkins x 10 ic / Squat x 15 ic



Mosey with kettle bell around school to station #1

Curls x 10 ic

Front press x 10 ic

Skull crusher x 10 ic

Merkins x 10 ic

Mosey with kettle bell to station #2

Step ups each leg x 10

Dips x 10 ic

Curls x 10 ic

Front press x 10 ic

Skull crusher x 10 ic

Merkins x 10 ic 

Mosey with kettle bell to station #3

Merkins x 10 ic

Curls x 10 ic

Front press x 10 ic

Skull Crusher x 10 ic

Kettle bell swing x 10 OYO

Sumo Squat x 10 ic

Mosey with kettle bell to station #4

Merkins x 10 ic

Curls x 10 ic

Front press x 10 ic

Skull crusher x 10 ic

Lawn mower x 10 each arm

LBC x 20 ic

W x 15 ic

Low Flutter x 10 ic

Mosey with kettle bell to station #5

Merkins x 10 ic

Curls x 10 ic

Front press x 10 ic

Skull Crusher x 10 ic

Upright Row x 10 ic

Pretzel crunch x 10 each side

Low dolly x 10 ic

Rosalita x 10 ic 

Mosey back to start ……station #6

Merkins x 10 ic

LBC's x 20 ic

The Crunch Frog x 10 ic


We did a total of 200 merkins today. Food for thought: When Uncle Rico shows up you better hit the merkins hard. If not……he will do them on his own anyway. #alwaysinbeastmode

There was quite a bit of mumber chatter today. When Titan and Cobra Kai get going…..there is no stopping it! 

Pretty cool to have Wolverine with us. He makes his way from Denver to MM every Monday!! 

We need to get Shorty in the sytem (Omega….Cobra Kai can you help him out??). Great to have him out today!

Quite a few props thrown out to Outlaw for coming up with the name Shorty. It kind of just fits him!

Major props to Einstein who ran the solo standard today…..6:30 (ish) pace for 3 miles.

Slice, Hat Trick, MacBeth, Riverboat, Omega and Shake quietly got after it this morning. My guess is they couldn't get a word in anyway! Good work men

Be on the lookout for your Q email as Cobra Kai was on a mission for July. It only takes him making eye contact with you and later that day you will be informed on your assigned date. #volun-told

Thank you Cobra Kai for the opportunity to lead this morning (like I had a choice).

You guys inspire me every workout…..for that I will always say "THANK YOU!"
