14 Scantily Clothed PAX Chose To Bang Around Birkdale

YHC asks a simple question upon reflecting on what went down this AM at the 4-Banger.  What other venue, organization, cult, or whatever you wanna call it allows for this much fun, fellowship, genuine and heartfelt camaraderie as being a part of F3 Nation (while still fully clothed). The things that go down during these early morning beatdowns continue to amaze YHC on so many levels.  Here's your credit for running the 4-banger….each of you truly inspired YHC and for that I say thank you!

  • Freedom shows up in a Pink T-shirt with a white unicorn for apparently losing some fantasy football bet – awesome!
  • YHC called out for the pre-blast advertisement of VQ as there really isn't much to "Q" at the 4-banger.  YHC respectively disagrees simply because YHC gets to reflect on some amazing moments, laugh about a lot of them throughout the day, and have the privilege to write about it
  • Great seeing Mona Lisa and chatting about the annual "Cookie Q" – can't wait brother
  • Duvall showing up in the gloom is always epic and congrats to you brother on BRR! 
  • JAWS and Duvall training for the Colonial relay this Fall !
  • Soprano and Snake Eyes are savage runners
  • For those of you who haven't seen Scrappy's video of the injury during Dad's Weekend, it's NOT for the faint of heart, wow!!
  • Great work Black Eyed Pea, Frogger, Liberace TBone, Turncoat Jorel, Calypso for keeping the PAX moving and making this morning so much fun
  • PAX tried to revolt when YHC called merkins on the first bang –  clearly states on website "Pain Stations" every mile if YHC is not mistaken???? 🙂 
  • Thanks JAWS for the Q opportunity – this is such an effective AO for PAX like YHC who hate running!!


This morning was a perfect reason why F3 is so effective …. Iron Sharpens Iron Over 4 Miles – YHC could not have maintained that pace OYO – thank you again for the opportunity to lead!


Humbly in Christ,

