14 Warriors Stormed Grand Oak Elementary

YHC arrived at 4:55 AM to scope out the area, setup cinder block coupons and perform some light stretching.  A case of mistaken identify as YHC saw a bright green jersey in the distance and welcomed "Frogger".  Oooops sorry that was Canuck.  Somehow YHC associates green shirts with Frogger, the same way some associate cotton workout apparel with our own Gnarly Goat.  Sorry gents, hope no offense was taken.  

YHC super excited to see a bunch of PAX roll in that he doesn't often have the opportunity to lead of be with in the gloom.

Skinny backblast about roughly how it went down.

After a short loop around the dimly lit parking lot, the PAX circled for a brief disclaimer and warm-a-rama including SSH's, IST's, Carrot Puller, Merkins, Toy Soldier and Mountain Climbers  PAX owe a thank you to Canuck for encouraging YHC to end the SSH's at 30 as a "Soprano" 101 was in order this AM.  

Mosey over to the curb for some Rocky Balboa's and Slow Deep Squats, 2 sets of each.

Mosey around the school and ending in the parking lot behind the school where the basketball hoops are.

PAX did 3 rounds of the following: WWII's x 15, Merkins x 10, and Cinder Block curls x 10, with a run to the far edge of the parking lot and back between each round.

PAX then performed a burpee suicide with 5, 10 and 15 burpees at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd basketball hoop respectively.

Another mosey around the school for some additional running, ending again in the back of the parking lot for Peoples Chair, and Air Presses.  Thanks to all who kept an eye on the 6! Well done everyone!

PAX then performed more cinder block work, same as above but doing "kettlebell-like" swings with the cinder blocks.

PAX did a final mosey around the parking lot and ended in a popcorn-style MARY, thanks to AM-PM, Roadie, Hot Wax and others who led the ab exercises!


  • YHC prematurely took off in a mosey before Canuck could finish his 10 count.  My bad brother, my mind was slightly playing Wack-a-Mole as descibed in the CoT
  • Canuck is celebrating 4 years since a scare with his heart during a workout.  He can share more details but essentially Canuck had a serious incident during a workout and was quickly assisted by a few F3 heroes who got him immediate medical attention. The way he describes it, Canuck's heart essentially performed its own bypass.  So thankful for Canuck's health this morning and the deserved double-respect!  
  •  Thanks to Turbo for offering mobility and stretching tips.
  • strong work by each and every man who showed up this morning! AM-PM, Big Montana, Butterstick, Canuck, Dingo, Estwing, Flo, Hot Wax, Nair, POS, Roadie, Tammy Faye, and Turbo!  You guys crushed it and were the best part of my day! Thank you!!!!!!
  • Found out that our very own Turbo was a professional runner and used to be sponsored by Saucony.  I believe he attended Long Island University back in the day?
  • Thanks to all who put the cinder blocks back! Nice work
  • Great tech discussion this AM with Roadie and YHC at Starbucks Birkdale and glad AM-PM was able to join us as well! 
  • Nice double-down by Flo!! and others?? with a swim at McCauley after the boot camp workout.
  • Reminder to attend "The Bridge" on Saturday morning as announced by ThickBurger (F3MECA)
  • Hope House Service project Saturday 8:15am.  Need some help making Goodwill runs if anyone is available
  • Thanks to Canuck for closing us in prayer this morning!  YHC always enjoys Canuck's humility and thoughtful communication with our Creator and Sky-Q, thanks brother!


It's always an honor and privilege to lead and I'm especially grateful to each of you who chose to come out to The Mighty Oak this morning.  Thanks to Estwing for the opportunity to lead and his leadership as MQ at a fantastic AO! I continue to be blown away and inspired by the amazing men of F3 and this morning was just another example of what makes F3 so special. My sincere thanks to each of you who chose to spend your morning at the Mighty Oak!

Humbly in Christ 










