16 for bootcamp, 4 for coffee

We started with 14, but quickly grew to 16 pax strong before we left the warm-o-rama. The 16 pax started cold while the 2 dogs started hot and cooled off after they got to know each other. Crisis averted, thanks to Boar Hog hypnotizing Boar Dog. 

After the pledge, we took a lap around the parking lot to get our heartrates on a slow rise before a round of warm-o-rama which included at least the following: SSH, Willy Mayes Hayes, Perkins, IST. Don't fault me if I missed an exercise. I'm getting older.


We ran a modified Stairway to Seven, minus the stadium stairs. This was apparently very confusing, as some of the pax started with 5 burpees and mixed up the numbers along the way. Extracredit! 

  • 1 burpee at bottom of parking lot. On the way to the top, stop for 1 crunch and 1 merkin. At top, 1 squat.
  • Return to bottom of parking lot.
  • 2 burpees at bottom of parking lot. On the way to the top, stop for 2 crunches, 2 merkins. At top, 2 squats.
  • Return to bottom of parking lot. Continue the ladder up to 7.

Return to pick up the 6 and/or Plank-o-rama until all finished. Samsonite and Cousin Eddie were out in front.  

Mosey to the playground for 7s, with Turkish get-ups and pull-ups. More plank-o-rama. 2 speed laps around the parking lot, since most of us mailed in the first lap. Jersey Boy gave it everything the second time around. We circled up for push-o-rama with all exercise to 7, in cadence: stagger merkin right, stagger merkin left, crucifix merkin, CDD, merkins, man maker merkin, shoulder touch merkin, hand release merkin. Half way through, the pax had the gaul to call out the Q for going to 8 reps…which resulted in another sprint around the parking lot. When YHC ran out of merkin ideas, we returned to the launch point for MARY with a rope. All 16 guys called an ab exercise to 7 in-cadence while one person worked his shoulders with the rope. We had about a minute left for fire-hydrant merkins…5 in cadence each side. Thanks, Waffle, for naming this exercise.


  1. Thanks, Eeyore, for the EH last week. I need to be personally requested to Q. I hate the calendar. 
  2. Titan – nice of you to join us. As info, we start at 5:30am. Also, it's good to see you're more and more mobile!
  3. Bailey was sporting a great NoxGear blinky vest…decreasing the trip hazard risk. You're so fashionable now!
  4. Tuffy, Ninja Turtle – could you quiet down a little? I couldn't even hear myself think at one point with all your noise polution.
  5. Boar Hog – do you ever do a bad pull-up? Thanks for helping with the coffee. You pulled your weight.
  6. Tclaps, Omega, for taking us out. 
  7. Great 2nd F with Boar Hog, Jersey Boy and Waffle House.