16 Pax Accelerated Their King at Today’s DBC!

FNG 1 = Cowbell

FNG 2 = Wham-O

FNG 3 = Dr. Phil

FNG 4 = Addias (from Bluffton, SC)

A few degrees cooler temperature gave us the opportunity to turn up the 1st F this morning.  16 Pax rolled into the Green, possibly bleary eyed from the gloom or maybe due to squinting at the brightness of YHC's new bright white shirt.  

After a good warm up, we counted off by 2's and got started.  

Mosey around Library to the wall on Chairman Blake Lane.  1's Racoon Crawl while 2's Bear Crawl on the sidewalk/street, mosey to the front corner of CVS & do 10x straight count 1-leg out LBC's each leg, mosey back to Green for 20x straight count Dips.  REPEATO 4x total times alternating with 2's Racoon Crawling the wall & 1's Bear Crawling.

Mosey to Pull-Up bars behind LNCS.  7x Pull ups, 14x Merchans, 21x Squats – REPEATO 3x Total.  1's start with pull-ups & 2's start with squats.

Mosey to DUMC, grab a cinderblock & circle up:

15x IC Curls, 7x IC Merchans on blocks;

10x IC Skull Crushers, 7x IC Merchans on blocks;

15x IC Bentover Row, 7x IC Merchans on blocks;

Mosey to Steps for 3x sets of 10x IC Calf Raises, then back to blocks.

15x IC OH Press, 5x IC Left Hand Merchans on blocks, 5x IC Left Hand Merchans on blocks;

On 6, 15x Bench Press, 10x IC Pretzel Crunch each Leg.

Put 'em up & mosey back to the Green for Mary and COT.


Prayers for Holiday after his Mom's passing.  Prayer for Sparknel's dog who just recently lost a battle with pancreatic cancer.  Continued prayer for Crude's recovery.  

Praises for Addidas' Mom whose ongoing cancer treatment has yielded a much lower pain level.  

It's always a great day when you can start it with F3 and sharing in the sweat, fellowship and fun with your F3 brothers.  It's always great to have Addidas join us whenever he's in town all the way from Bluffton, SC.  All 3 F's were definetly accelerated this morning and each Pax did great encouraging each other and strengthing themselves.