17 Men Fight the Outdoor Haze to Workout Like a GymRat

FNG-1 = Poncho

3 for the Double Down – Frogger, ?,?

While waiting for the bells to ring in the Mighty Jungle, YHC cautioned that now was the time for tretching and warmup.  Seeing that the starting temp was about 85 with 80% humidity it was time to get to work when the bell tolled. 

Warm O'Rama

  1. SSH X12 IC
  2. IST X12 IC

The Main Thang

I had planned for any number of Pax from 6 to 24.  Based on the numbers of the last few workouts, I guessed 18.  The Workout was set up in rows of work and sets of six.  The AO was really set up like a cross fit workout.   All workouts were done for 1 minute with a 30 second rest. Here they are:

  1. Aisle 1 – The Shoulder Smoker
    1. Traditional Battle Ropes
    2. 25 lbs Curls
    3. Up/Down Plank
    4. 40 lbs Slam Ball 
    5. 8 Count Total Body Builder with the Cinder block
    6. High plank
  2. Aisle 2 – The Lt Dan
    1. Jump Rope
    2. Monster band uprighight row
    3. Bosu ball Hip Bridge
    4. The Eric Heiden from cone to cone (its like an Apollo Ohno, except you win)
    5. Resistance band side shuffle from cone to cone
    6. Single leg, opposite hand cone touch 
  3. Aisle 3 – The Jillian Michaels
    1. Squat and press with the 20 lbs weight
    2. Resistance Bands around the wrist plank shuffle
    3. Freddie Mercury
    4. 30 lb slam ball from side to side
    5. Shuffle twist with the 35 lb weight
    6. Russian twist with the 20 lb handled core ball

Each full round took about 26 minutes – 17 minutes of work, 8.5 minutes of rest.  

6 Minutes of Mary

Like Mr. Taggert said in Blazing Saddles 'I'd say you boys had enough'

Recover Recover

Announcements, COT, BOM

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • As always, explaining the exercises takes the patience of a school teacher with F3
  • I almost fell for BlackBeard saying that they had turned the bells off at St Mark's
  • Titan started strong with the mumble chatter, but for some reason got real quiet at the end…
  • Rocket put in some impressively hard work once he grasped how to do a hip bridge on a Bosu ball
  • Uncle Rico ate up the work impressively
  • Panzer was another silent assassin who just worked relentless hard
  • Crocs and Pit Stop demonstrated all that is great in teamwork for F3
  • Rooter started with a weighted vest but backed off the vest when the fireants got in the vest
  • We played a playlist that started with songs about the moon in honor of the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing but the back to back REM sequence got a little too EMO
  • We moved onto a random playlist and closed out with Johnny Cash for the Nantan (Bagboy)
  • Burning Bush loves these workouts due to the lack of running
  • We went from a nice pleasant workout to the sun peaking up over the trees for the last 1/3rd of the workout 

