17 Pax for The Revolt East Loop Route Today!

FNG 1 = Matlock

17 Pax showed up at the Big Hemlock tree on the Davidson Green for The Revolt run this morning.  Being that it is the 2nd Wednesday of the Month, the route was the 5 mile East Loop.

Starting at the Hemlock, head out Concord Rd, through the traffic circle to a right on Robert Walker Dr,. down & right onto the Greenway, around, out & up Kimberly to a left on Concord and head back to the Hemlock tree on the Green.

T-Claps to Hulka for bringing Burgundy out for his first The Revolt run!  Especially considering the warmer weather & cooler mornings, everyone should be telling someone (whether already in F3 or not) and getting them out for a run.  

Everyone did a great job with the run and we all agreed it was a near perfect morning for a run.  

I'm always motivated and encouraged by all these men showing up each week, putting in the miles and working on getting just a little better each time!  #acceleration