1775 !!! Birthday Bash!!


The US Army was born on June 14th, 1775!!

On this day we intended to celebrate the 249 years of the US Army but instead when I said were on top of the parking deck so we can see the moon I think Blackbeard got confused when we proceeded to moon everyone.  GROSS!!

2 Rounds

  • 17 KB snatch each arm
  • 75 Air squats with or without KB
  • WalkRun 249 meters for the number of years the Army has existed (length of the parking deck)
    • Walk with KB overheard (????) the length of the parking deck
    • Run the length of the parking deck without KB.
  • Repedo!

2 Rounds

  • 17 KB Row each arm
  • 75 Single leg lunges
  • WalkRun 249 meters for the number of years the Army has existed (length of the parking deck)
    • Walk with KB overheard (????) the length of the parking deck
    • Run the length of the parking deck without KB.
  • Repedo!!


Mary –

17 KB Press

75 Flutter kicks

17 Merkins

75 touch them heals

17 J-Lo’s