1776 Reps of Freedom

  • FNG-1 = newly named Crotch Rocket (Estwing's brother)
  • FNG-2 = Action (YHC's 2.1)
  • FNG-3 = Google (YHC's 2.2)
  • FNG-4 = Fury (YHC's 2.3)

YHC had lofty American-sized dreams for this workout. It included Independence Day trivia with burpee penalties, 13's (instead of 11's) to commemorate the 13 original colonies, and some frisbee games.

But first let's warm up with 1776 reps.

That's right…YHC's workout judgement skills are somewhat lacking, thinking that 1776 reps would only take up part of the workout. Alas, here we are…


…we did stuff. I don't remember what. Seems like sooooo many reps ago.

The Thang

Grab a partner to start off with a bang, like a firework finale but at the start of the show.

  • 246X Merkin DORA…this is the good ole USA's 246th birthday after all

Ok, now for the easy part. Grab a block! (all exercises below in cadence)

  • 25X curl
  • 25X skull crusher
  • 25X overhead press
  • 25X upright row
  • 50X LBC
  • 100X SSH
  • 50X low flutter
  • 25X squat
  • 25X Right arm lawnmower
  • 25X Left arm lawnmower

At this point, I could just say repeato. But that doesn't do it justice so I'll write it all out again… 

  • 25X curl
  • 25X skull crusher
  • 25X overhead press
  • 25X upright row
  • 50X LBC
  • 100X SSH
  • 50X low flutter
  • 25X squat
  • 25X Right arm lawnmower
  • 25X Left arm lawnmower

*Q squints with math equations swirling around his head*

We're at 1746…30 reps shy. And only a minute to spare.

OK Fury, however many parking spaces you throw this frisbee is how many burpees we must do.

Same for you Google, except it's Merkins.

7 Burpees + 7 Merkins +16 LBCs = The last 30 reps


  • Who could've guessed that 1776 reps would be so hard and take a full hour?
  • Blackbeard surmised that there had to be some bad years in there somewhere, so why do the full rep count? Because 'Merica, that's why. And I did this low running workout just for you Blackbeard.
  • Estwing is EH machine, having 3 of his EHs in tow.
  • Great to meet POS. I've confirmed that his name is ironic cause he's not actually a piece of sht. I'll probably start calling him by the phonetic version (like the first syllable of Possum).
  • Dewey's one of those guys who's got balls. He just heard about F3 in the grocery store, posted, and has now been crushing it for 3 weeks.
  • Crotch Rocket is very fit and has promised to come down from Ohio once a week (pretty sure he said that).
  • The fitness level of Swamp Fox and Uncle Rico continue to throw me into a jealous rage. This workout didn't even phase these guys. And on the MULTIPLE occasions I felt like I was going to pass out, I handed off cadence to them. Thanks guys.
  • Deadhead didn't say much, but I swear he crushed a block with his bare hands cause all of a sudden I saw two block chunks by him.
  • Great to see Toby with us again. Missed you brother. You crushed it today.
  • My 2.0s came expecting a bit more trivia and frisbees. They kept up, but many times they looked like how we all felt.
  • Many thanks to Firestone for giving me the honor of Qing. You're doing great as new MJ MQ.
  • Some thoughts:
    • You all CRUSHED IT today. Even if you didn't do the full rep count, you did AMRAP. In this case, you SUCCEED when you FAIL. The evidence is in how your muscles are feeling right now and the sweat puddles that we all formed underneath us.
    • Again, do yourself a favor and read about 20th and 21st century tyrants. Soviet Union, Khmer Rouge, Ho Chi Minh, Mao, or any other number of examples. We've been far from perfect over 246 years, but don't let our failures distract from our successes and our constant striving to maintain and enhance democracy and freedom.
    • Don't your muscles just feel like America right now?