18 days of Christmas

Event Date

Dec 07, 2022

Sad Clown…..until 0533 when Crabby rescued YHC.  Mater had a 25% chance of making it, Falcon had to work, and not sure what Dirt was up to.  Since we have 18 days til Christmas, we did 18 days of Christmas workout. So we began


Right over left, left over right, down the middle

Windmills 10 IC

Toy Soldiers 10 IC

arm circles

Lap around parking lot to shelter



18 days of Christmas

Day 1 – 1 burpee

Day 2 – 2 WW1

Day 3 – 3 Copperhead Squats

Day 4 – 4 Hand release Merkins

Day 5 – 5 box cutters

Day 6 – 6 step ups

Day 7 – 7 merkins

Day 8 – 8 scissor crunch

Day 9 – 9 jump squats

Day 10 – 10 incline merkins

Day 11 – 11 heals to heaven

Day 12 – 12 lunges

Day 13 – 13 shoulder taps

Day 14 – 14 pretzel crunch

Day 15 – 15 SSH

Day 16 – 16 dips

Day 17 – 17 LBCs

Day 18 – 18 squats

Moved benches to corners of the shelter.  Started at once corner doing Day 1, then moved to second corner and did day 1 and 2, working our way to day 18.  Because of time we made it only to day 16 but added day 17 and 18 to day 16 to complete all exercises.



Ran out of time but Mary was buried in the workout.



Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.    Phillipians 4:8



Thank you Crabby for eliminating the sad clown possibility and the fellowship this morning

Despite the sore knee, Crabby still did the complete workout like a champ. 

Much talk about upcoming surgery and recovery for his knee.  Hopefully everything goes smoothly and he can join us for the Greenville half!!


Dr Dolittle