18 Pax Revolted Against Flooded Greenways and Ran a Modified East Loop

FNG 1 = Matlock

18 Total Pax came out for today's The Revolt run.  Being the 2nd Wednesday of the Month means The Revolt ran the East Loop, but due to the recent rains, and likely flooded / messy greenway leading from Robert Walker to Kimberly, we modified the route. 

Starting from the big Hemlock tree on the Davidson Green, head out Concord Rd to the traffic circle, continue on Davidson-Concord Rd until taking a Right on Westbranch and staying on this as it curves around the new neighborhood being built.  Once back at Robert Walker, hang a Right and head up to a Left on Davidson-Concord Rd., back through the traffic circle and continue on Concord Rd. all the way back to finish at the big Hemlok tree on the Davidson Green.  

Total distance right around 5.45 (Except for Sandbox, who carded 6 miles after refusing to run up Robert Walker and wanting to check the actual Greenway conditions.)

It was near perfect weather for a run this morning and everyone did a great job putting in the miles.  It's always a pleasure for YHC to share in the 1st & 2nd F with these men as we share in revolting against boot camps with a mid-week run.  

