18 strong Pax at Java

It was a warm-ish day and 18 Pax got some nice miles and 2nd F at Java.  Here is the story:

0501:  Run standard with Calypso, Dallas, Free Pass, Jolly, Tantrum, and YHC. We covered 2.11 miles via an easy out and back route to the Arnie's Army AO at Birkdale clubhouse.

0531:  Route given and we were off.

The Thing:

  • Run ~.75 miles to the fountain in the Kenton area on 73.  Circle up for:
  • Dwight Schrutes x 15 IC
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 12 IC
  • Front leaning rest x 30 seconds
  • Run ~1 mile to Robbins Park, the long way.  Circle up under cover for:
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 12 IC
  • Mobility moment
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Run ~1 mile back to the fountain. 
  • Plank walk once around the fountain
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Run ~.75 miles back to the AO start.  Circle up for:
  • Hamstring stretch, quad stretch, or just stand there for some folks.  *shrug* 

Recover, recover.  We covered 3.73 miles which I'm told is slightly more than the norm, and we also didn't stop enough for pain stations.  Will try to do better the next time!


  1. YHC humbly urged everyone to be nice to each other over the next week.  To which Callahan asked "you really think it will only be a week?" and Dallas suggested this gesture gave away who YHC voted for.  *shrug*
  2. Christmas Party is Wednesday December 2nd.  Further details here.  Nice job by Omega in putting this together.
  3. Speaking of Omega, his suggestion today was every Q at Java should attend at least once prior to Qing.  Well, YHC was there last week and it didn't help apparently!
  4. Frogger and Crab Legs may have covered more ground after 0615?  Sound off below.  Apparently that is more of a thing than an 0500 Standard at Java, per Tantrum.  Learn something new every day!  Appreciate you Tantrum coming out for the Standard to ensure I didn't run alone.
  5. The Ultimate completed his first 6 mile run without stopping in a while, earlier this week at Fartlek.  Nice job and looking fit my friend!
  6. Speaking of fit…Hacker with the 3:20 Marathon on Saturday!!  YHC asked why he was even running yet, stating that I usually take a week off after a Marathon.  "That is an old wives tale" or something profound is what Hacker said to that.  Checks Strava…actually Hacker worked out on Monday and Tuesday (twice?!) so he really didn't take any time to recover.  Strong.
  7. Duvall and Tagless helped YHC with directions and distances today.  Probably direct any complaints their way if we went over the typical distance?  This is not the first time these men have kept me on course and it won't be the last time either.  Strong work today from both of you.
  8. Calypso is my teammate on the upcoming 6 man P200 event.  Looking fit brother and looking forward to many more training runs together.
  9. "If Jolly can run a 6 man P200 then you can" is NOT an insult to Jolly, it's an insult to the object of that sentence.  No wait…let me start over…just…DBAP.  Or DBSD as my team has coined.  STK.
  10. Stromboli is a grandfather now!  Grandson is already 4 months old but it was news to me, which means I need to get over here more often.
  11. Riverboat kindly agreed the next time he is in Wisconsin, he'll pick me up some Raspberry Tart from the New Glarus Brewing Company, my favorite beer.  We briefly caught up and discussed how his namesake "Riverboat" Ron Rivera is doing a fine job in DC with limited talent.   
  12. Jedi is jacked.  That's the Tweet.  Good catching up brother and thanks for keeping an eye on the 6.
  13. Free Pass with an Irish goodbye as he headed out to Cincy today.  Safe travels brother.
  14. Thank you Thug for the opportunity to lead today.  Even though not everyone followed, I feel like I learned something about leadership anyway!

Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3.