19 Pax, 0 excuses

FNG-1 is Burning Man, not yet registered on the website.

Today we ran with PAX who have recently lost loved ones. We ran to another Q who recently lost someone. There were at least 4 Pax who completed a CSAUP event this weekend. There were at least 3 Pax with a CSAUP this coming weekend. There were at least 2 Pax who probably shouldn’t have run due to injuries. There was 1 Pax whose 1,450+ day running streak was only broken because of Covid. There was 1 Pax whose sister Becky is in the hospital, the same Pax literally hit by a deer recently. Any and all of these reasons would’ve been valid excuses to miss Fartlek today. Hell no. Look Fam, if anyone is still not convinced Isotope is the best region in all of F3, I don’t know what to tell them.