19 Pax Sharpened Their Knowledge of F3 Core Principles, Mission & Credo

FNG1 = Whamo
FNG2 = Slinger
FNG3 = Bad Santa
FNG4 = Whrlie's 18-year old son (2nd Post)
FNG5 = John ?? The Shiek's EH (1st Post)

Welcome the FNG's and provide enhanced disclaimer. 

Warm up on the Green & mosey to pull up bars behind LNCS.

Review the 5 Core Principles of F3.  In honor, do 5 different exercises, in 5 different locations at reps increasing by 5:

10x Pull Ups; run to corner:
15x Merkins; run to corner;
20x WWII sit-ups, run to pinic tables:
25x Dips, run to parking lot;
30x Squats: run back to pull up bars.

REPEATO 3x total (you'd think we would do it 5 times, but we had more yet to accomplish).

Over to wall for People's Chair while we went down the line of 19 Pax with everyone saying 1 of the 5 Core Principles (different from the Pax before you).  Quick Balls to the Wall, then mosey over to DUMC.

At DUMC, grab a paver and circle up for a review of F3's Mission.  AMRAP Curls while the Pax throught about it and offered feebly attempts at parts of it or just random words and phrases.  

Breaking up the Mission into 5 parts, we did 10x IC and 5x IC of exercises while working through them:

The mission of F3 is…
to plant (Curls)
grow (Curls)
and serve (skull crushers)
small group workouts for men (OH Press)
for the invigoration of male community leadership (Bentover Row – based on no one knowing it, we had to hang our heads, but keep them up – and back straight – for this one).

Review the Mission once more and run a lap around the parking lot to think about it.

8-Count Body Builder, then put 'em up & head back to the Green.

LBC's until all Pax present, then a Pop Quiz (Hotshot – nod to Speed).  We've all heard the statement "Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him."  It's on the official F3 2020 t-shirt.  What is this for F3?  Guesses included "a quote" and other misses.  Answer:  It's the F3 Credo.  

More Mary, including Pickle Pounders and Monkey Humpers.  Recover Recover.


COT included a quick review of the 5 core principles, the F3 Mission and Credo.  Also clarification of the 3 F's and the intent of their specific order – Fitness, Fellowship & Faith.

Welcome to 60 year old FNG John & great job to The Shiek for EH'ing him!

Welcome to F3 Enron, Whirley's 18 year old son who wants to be an investment banker. 

All Pax did a great job and hung in there through all the review of the F3 information.  I'm always humbled by the opportunity to lead a workout and am always encouraged by each Pax who comes out in the Gloom. 

