1st Thursday Challenge

FNG-1 = Todd Papora, thanks to a Tagless EH.

As we've done for for about 6 months, on the first Thursday of the month at The Wilderness, it was preblasted to F3 Nation that the #1stThursdayChallenge would be today.  10 pax posted in the gloom to prove they could handle it, including 1 FNG, Todd.  Tagless excitedly informed YHC yesterday at Stretch Armstrong that he'd be bringing him along today.

The Usual Thang:

Warm-up lap around the part, back around to Home Court, all the pax grab a rock, leave it to the side, then circle up for Warmorama at center court.  YHC's usual warmorama of SSHs, ESTs, Cotton-pickers, Mtn Climbers and Merkins.  Welcome, BEP, about mid-way through the mountain climbers.

Then the countdown began.  Sets of 8-count Burners, Merkins and Dying Cock-a-roaches starting at 23 then declining by 3 after each lap around the park.  YHC called an audible instead of doing the reps of 6 and 3 so we could get our MWAR (Mary With A Rope).

The Moleskine:

Again, welcome FNG, Todd.  Came out with a great attitude, and after the predictable awkard combination knuckles/handshake from YHC, Todd made a point to introduce himself to each of the pax.  Todd's going to fit right in.  He then went on to push hard and do great throughout the challenge, and didn't hesitate to pick up the rope when it was his turn.

Thanks, Tagless, for increasing the pax count by 10% today!

Also like to welcome Black Eye Pea, not only back to his old 'hood, but to a bootcamp.  Don't see you as often, old friend (and my original EH).  As usual, though – he made it look easy, even after a solo standard run before joining us.

YHC has been nagging (to say the least) Jorel, the original Master Q of The Wilderness, to join us again.  Great to have you today, brother.  Brings back great memories hearing you call the cadence.  My first workout was just over 4 years ago, with you as the Q (and I still came back).

Funkytown always crushes this workout and is solid on the laps.  But don't think he was too excited when YHC asked him to call the cadence after the 3rd lap.  May have caught him a little out of breath.  #blamethehumidity

The Iron Man (War Baby at age 21, geez) finally posted today after inquiring and HCing to multiple posts this week, but being overrun by the fartsack.  For some reason he held to his HC after playing 2+ hours of basketball til 11:30PM last night.  Wonder if he's back in bed right now (the life of a college student).

Amen calls himself a Cowboys fan but The Iron Man had to inform him that the 'Boys play in the HOF game tonight.  This came after a motivational announcement by YHC that when we do the 1stThursdayChallenge next month, college football season will have already begun!  Since Romo's retirement, Amen just hasn't been the same.  Won't wear his Romo shirt, doesn't know the 'Boys schedule and tbh, he seemed just a tad bit angry when discussing it in the gloom.

Ultraman spooked YHC when he emerged from the woods around 0500 as YHC was emptying the trunk and placing the toys (rope, KB, flashlight) out on Home Court.  Just Ultraman and his 10,000 lumen headlamp ran a solo standard today, seperate from BEPs solo standard for some reason.  But at least Ultraman was on time (vs BEP).

Die Hard was a little quiet today.  Just put in his work, made it look easy, then went on his way.  Maybe his rock was too big?  I'll pay more attention and call you out on something next time…

Always a pleasure to lead a group of fine men through a workout – best way to start any day.  If you haven't Q'ed an F3 workout (ever, or just not in a long time, eh-HEM Jorel, The Iron Man, maybe Funky Town) – highly recommend you give it a try.  It's the most fun workout for one thing because YOU decide what you want to do!  But you also get to lead men through something they showed up at 5AM (or 5:20AM other days) to do because they want to do it.  How hard or bad could that possibly be???  Get your Virgin Q out of the way and watch – you just may find yourself hooked on Qing more.  Even if you pull another workout off the site and re-Q it.

Prayers for Ultraman's cycle friend who was struck from behind by a 45 mph vehicle recently.  Long recovery ahead.  Prayers for Outsource's family as they mourn the loss of his father.  Prayers for Mt Zion's pastor, Dr Mary John Dye, while she is in ICU fighting an infection.  Prayers for all the MS and HS football players who put shoulder pads on starting today, full pads starting Saturday and learn what it's like to sacrifice for their school, their fans and most of all for their teammates – pray they will play hard, stay humble, become leaders and stay safe.  Also pray their mothers will sleep at night…