1st Thursday Challenge

15 men knew what was coming (or should have had a pretty good idea), given the fact that the date was Feb FIRST, and YHC is on the tail end of the burpee challenge.  But they rose from the fartsack anyway, arrived in the gloom just before 0510, and here's what they did……

Warm-o-rama:  Warm-up lap around the park and to Home Court, SSH x 20 IC, IST x 15 IC, Cotton Pickers x 15 IC, 5 Burpees OYO

The Thang:

Four exercises below, 9 the first set, then a lap around the park and back.  Then sets of 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 with a lap between each.  The exercises:

Burpees single count OYO

Full Curl IC

Bent Over Row IC

Skull Crushers IC

The Challenging Moleskine:

The reps of the exercises got easier, the laps didn't.  In order to get Mary in (and we ran late anyway), YHC made a Q call and we skipped the last lap (or two).  But we did put in 2.1 miles among the 50 burpees and 45 of everything else.

Lionel Ritchie's "Hello" will be in my head all day.  Thanks, whoever that was singing to the rocks as the selected their ultimate companion for the morning (Bootlegger I think it was).

Amen held back for the entire workout, then had some kind of eruption that was rare, unusual and scary even for him.  I don't know what goes on inside his body while he sleeps, but it gets angry and wants to escape with a vengance in the mornings.

Tantrum was up to his usual mischief – pushing himself to be at the front of the pax for each lap not for his fitness, but so he could move everyone's rocks around.  #kidatheart

Prayers for Olaf's father as he gets tests today and doctors determine next steps.  Prayers for Sharknado's family in SC – his child is very sick in the hospital.  Prayers for Cornwallis and his wife, Julie, as they move to IN.  Cornwallis has been a leader in our community, at Mt Zion UMC and in F3 seemingly forever.  Indy is getting a good one.