#1stThursdayChallenge – A Superheroic Effort Against Evil

Exactly 1 month ago, a new tradition began at The Wilderness.  Some of the pax knew there was a test coming, but some were unaware. They arrived in the gloom with enthusiasm and they left with a feeling of accomplishment – having pushed themselves and their partners to be better and stronger. Here's kinda how it went…

"Five Minutes."  Pax ignored. "45 seconds". Pax seemed to recognize this statement, but still ignored. "5-4-3-2-1 let's go" Pax looked surprised at such a punctual start, and especially surprised that we took off running.

Quick lap outside and around the park and back to the bball court to circle up for disclaimer and warm-o-rama. Little did some of the pax know – they would take that same lap 7 more times this morning. 

Warm-o-rama was the usual: SSHsx15 IC, ISTsx15 IC, Cotton Pickersx15 IC, Mtn Climbersx15 IC. 

Grab a rock and a partner or 2 (or 3 if u can't decide). This formed multiple groups of men with "similar fitness levels" and a tremendous amount of enthusiasm. In F3, we don't like to exercise alone. Forming groups/teams provides accountability as we push ourselves and each other, and the 2nd F comes as a bonus. 

As a group, you will do: 21 single count merkins, 21 Burners w/ ur rock, 21 Dying Cockroaches in cadence. When those 3 sets are complete, take a lap. When you return, 18 of each then a lap. 15-12-9-6-3. Get it? 

YHC didn't know if any group would finish when we did this the first month – turns out all groups would finish last time and again this time.  Fortunately, there happened to be a box nearby and inside said box was a big, long, thick, black… battle rope. Perfect for MWAR (Mary With A Rope). Pax took turns calling Mary exercises for approx 7-8 mins while we rotated through burning the shoulders out with the rope. 

The super Moleskine:

Pleased to have SHOTZ down from Mooresville in time for the early gloom today.  I hadn't seen SHOTZ in quite a while – and not in the past 70 LBS he's lost.  Beer-free for 2 years + F3 for 7 months = recipe for success.  Let me know when you host your virgin Q, brother.  I'll come and try to drag some locals with me.

Tantrum and his partner "finished early".  Anyone shocked by this?  I've heard this happens to the best of us sometimes…  Next month remember – you're not finished until you put that final lap in after the reps of 3.

Jenny O seemed to like this challenge the most, and committed to never missing a #1stThursdayChallenge.  Way to commit, Jenny. Aye.

Speaking of laps – I'm told by the guys with the space watches that a lap around the park and back is .25 miles.  So warmup plus 7 laps = 2 miles.  Tantrum put in more with a solo standard.  I found Slugger running solo and put a little in with him but not sure how long he'd gone before I crossed his path.

The superhero reference in the PB was simple – YHC got a new exersize shirt.  Nothing more.  But I like it and the mumblechatter it brought.  This might be the new Q shirt… and it makes me feel fast.

You're getting stronger and faster.  One month ago we did the exact same workout and # of reps but finished with 5 mins left for MWAR.  Today there were about 8 mins remaining.

Milk Carton:  Has anyone seen Jorel in the past 10 months???

Prayers:  Olive's family.  Slugger and his wife. Amoeba's son.  Dipstick's family (F3 Myrtle, collections will be taken up at the Dallas Roast Fri), any and all who are looking for work or a fresh start.

Cade O'Connell praises.  After a horrific jeep-flipping accident one week ago, brain surgery on Saturday – Cade is now recovering at home and is expected to make a full recovery – no long term effects.  Praise God for this miracle.

4 for Redemption after at NY Bagel.  Thanks to Gnarly Goat for the lead and discussion of the Lent season.  Blackbeard, Amen also in attendance.  Goat watched as we all gorged breakfast.