2.0 and Proud 1.0 CoQ

FNG 1 is PB&J (CoQ)FNG 2 is Darth Vader (Turnpike 2.0)FNG 3 is Yogi (too old to be wasting time on the interwebs)YHC is in constant awe of his 2.0s on a daily basis. I’m pretty sure this pride wells up in me in spite of my efforts, not because of them. PB&J has been all about F3 things since he’s seen how it’s changed my life. He has been to several F3Dads workouts and camps throughout the years, and even helped count cadence when I was supposed to be leading an exercise or two. Most recently, he has been a somewhat regular at Night Ranger with me. I shouldn’t have been surprised when someone in the pax challenged him to Q and he accepted without hesitation. How did I not realize he hadn’t Qed before now. Since the challenge, he had been laying out a plan and asking my advice throughout the week. Here’s what went down:WARMORAMA, DISCLAIMER, PLEASANTRIES:SSH x20icWindmill x10icToy Soldiers x10icIST x15icSlow Reverse Sprinters x10icMOSEY TO THE BASEMENT (w/ some side shuffles):Partner up and grab a cinder blockDORA- 200 Curls… Partner 1 curls, Partner 2 runs up one flight and back down the rampsMOSEY TO THE TOP DECK:DORA- 200 WW2 Sit Ups… Partner 1 Sit Ups, Partner 2 runs down a flight of stairs and back up the rampsMOSEY TO THE GROUND FLOOR:Walking Lunges til everyone catches upRun across the street to the Bus LotSlow Deep Squats til everyone catches up4 Corners (5 reps at 1st corner, 10 at 2nd, 15 at 3rd, 20 at 4th):MericansMountain ClimbersMOSEY TO THE PICNIC TABLES:Dips x10icStep Ups x10 each leg OYOMOSEY BACK TO CARS FOR MARY:LBC x20icFreddie Mercury x10ic100sElbow PlankMOLESKIN:-There was great effort put forth to get PB&J off his game, to no avail. On the way home he stated that it’s difficult to respect your elders when you’re Qing i.e not interrupting them while they’re interrupting (HILARIOUS).-It was suggested that our last exercise should have been taking a picnic table from the school across the street to home base. Both places belong to the public, right Jenny?-A great time was had by all. Well, at least we didn’t hear any complaining after the workout (because we bailed before anyone could start in).-Yogi is awesome. Sorry we put a little distance in this time.-Night Ranger is an awesome time. If you haven’t tried it yet, you’re missing out.-Blackbeard, no emojis this time. Sorry I blamed you.