47 PAX swarmed the parking lot of ELHS Mustang today!  What a great showing for our 2.0 Workout!  Approx 27 kids, and 20 adults.  14 2.0's got nicknames (see moleskin at the bottom for details), many already had one, and 1 FNG who will be named upon his second workout.  (See you soon Ben!)  

Those who have not yet registered, but are named that were also in attendance were:
Ricky Bobby, Socrates, Bowser, Duke Nuk'em, Pickaxe, Meh, and Bolt

Keep an eye on our facebook page as I hope to get pics and video up sometime today: 

Here is how it went down:

Quickly discuss the 3 F’s that make up F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith (belief in something you cannot see, more specifically, belief in Jesus Christ).  Asked a 2.0 what year it is (2018), then mention that 2000 years ago something so significant happened that we base our calendar on it.  That event was Jesus.  He came to this earth from heaven and eventually died on a cross to save us from our sins, and then was resurrected.  So, while Fitness and Fellowship are important, Faith (God) should be our number 1!  #IamThird  I also found this a good time to witness to others since Billy Graham just passed away, and he was a great model of how we should live our lives and witness to all.

So before we start, we are going to put God first!  Open with a quick prayer that went something like this: Thank you God for sending Jesus to save us from our sin, so that we don’t have to worry, as that war has already been won.  You are our savior, and we want to show you that you are also our King.  We do that by living our lives in the example Jesus set for us.  We pray for our health and safety as we work out today, guide me as I lead us and may we have fun in our fellowship together. Amen

Warm up:
You get out of this what you put into it…
Song while warming up:
You Get What You Give – New Radicals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL7-CKirWZE
10 IC Mountain Climbers
10 IC Cotton Pickers
10 IC Low Country Crab
10 IC Windmills
10 IC Imperial Storm Troopers
5 IC Fire Hydrant L
5 IC Fire Hydrant R

The Thang:
Song: HandClap – Fitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2V6yjjPbX0
Slow – 2 row Indian Run (around parking lot) was the plan, turned out that we had so many PAX that we went with 4 rows!  What a great problem to have.  – the 2 people in the back of each row high five each other (clap) then run to the front and high five again (clap), also high five each person as they run by.  Considering how many people we had this went fairly well.

Once we stopped at the rock pile, everyone picked out a rock and circled up on the practice field.  But before we do anything with the rock, we did a fun one that the kids always love:
Song: Raining Tacos – Parry Gripp (1:32) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjF032TDDQ
Hold a plank throughout and do a merkin every time they say “tacos.” Results in 1 minute plank and 15 merkins.

Get your rock and circle up on practice field (2.0 circle inside, adult circle outside.  After the first round a 2.0 picks a number between 1 and 5 (4), so that is how many rocks we rotate left for second round.
Songs: Queen – We Will Rock You  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tJYN-eG1zk
Twisted Sister – I Wanna Rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRwrg0db_zY

10 IC Curls
10 IC Air Presses
10 Skull Crushers
Repeat 2 times   **Put the rocks back up and line up**

Now that we are done with Rock, time to Roll…
Song: Led Zeppelin – Rock and Roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bv_ALKkTjQ

Across the practice field:
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Heel Taps
Karaoke Left
Karaoke Right
Lunge Walk

Burpee circles, Q counts PAX off into 4 groups, each group circles up around a basketball.
Song: Feel It Still  – Portugal The Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBkHHoOIIn8
Circle up and pass the ball to your left, and do a burpee before the ball “Comes back”.
After about 2 minutes, Q bumps burpees to 2 per round, go in total for about 4 minutes.
Hopefully everyone gave a solid effort, and in a couple days, will "Feel It Still" 🙂

Song: Proud Mary – Creedence Clearwater Revival (3:08) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfyEpmQM7bw
These exercises will be in cadence.  Start off doing plank jacks, when we hear “rollin, rollin, rollin on a river”, everyone rolls right, then Q yells out next exercise:
~14 IC Plank Jacks
~ 9  IC Freddy Merks
~13 IC LBC
~13 IC Low dollies
~10 flutter kicks          


So before we started our workout, I mentioned that God comes 1st.  I have given my life to Jesus and try my best to live a life that would bring Him glory.  And since I have received such a wonderful gift, I want to share that same gift with you all today.  Listen to these verses:

2 Corinthians 5:17-18 (NLT)

17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!  18 And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.

So that is why I am sharing the good news with you today.  It is a gift, that I want to share with everyone.
And Romans 10:9 tells you how you can accept this gift: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

So if anyone has questions or wants to talk to me more about Jesus, feel free to grab me after we are done today.  I would love to talk to you about Him!

And after a close out prayer, that concluded your free workout!


  • Tclaps to Clubber and a few others who at last weeks Coffee came up with the idea.
  • I could not sleep last night with excitement and anticipation, was not sure if we were going to have 10 PAX or 50 PAX.  Low and behold, 47.  What an awesome site to see that many 2.0's excited to workout.  
  • We had a new guy, Ben, show up, and promised we would name him upon his second workout.  Hefty already has some great ideas for this guy.  Now all he has to do is show up!  See you soon Ben!
  • YHC decided though it was going to be a daunting task, that these kids made an effort to show up, and I was going to reward them with a nickname for their effort.  In only a few minutes, the PAX helped me pump out 14 awesome 2.0 nicknames.
    Jelly Bean
    Dirty Socks
    Super Y
    Gummy Bear
    Flat Bill

What a blessing today was to share F3 with all these guys!!  Thanks to the many F3 brothers who helped out in many small was to help make the day a success.

