2.0 Workout

If I count correctly, we have 28 PAX present today.

FNG1 represents all 2.0's not registered:

Dabo Bunny

FNG2 represents Dolphin
FNG3 represents Lumberjack

Mater takes the first half and issues the standard disclaimer, but tells the 2.0’s to try hard.

Then leads the warm up:

10 Dippy Birds IC (left)
10 Dippy Birds IC (right)

We Count off by 2’s, to split us into two teams.  One group forms the inside ring and raises their arm, while the other gets in squat position and does “Jeeps and Tanks” around the circle.  After one trip around, we switch and repeat.

20 OYO Merkins

Then an indian run around the parking lot, we had to split into two lines, but we still struggled with that concept and the 2.0’s.  But we still managed to get in our lap.

Then Mater sets up a small circuit for us which looked like this:
bear crawl up the hill, karaoke across, quad-ra-feel-ya downhill, mosey back, rinse and repeat.

Then we head to the track where we divide into teams of five(ish).  One teammate at each corner of the track.  One teammate running with a ball (various sports items were provided), runs a quarter lap, hands off the item, then starts doing the exercise his partner had.  Exercises were: SSH, Squats, Hillbillies, LBC.  If anyone drops a ball their team owes the Q 5 burpees.  Mater punishes everyone with 5 burpees anyway.

C#’s takes the Q for the second half of the workout.

We mosey to the smaller size bricks piled up at the football field scoreboard.

Song Played during this one: Brick by Brick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riV77WoFCBw
Remind everyone that the game is just a distraction from the work, that we might get a little crowded and to be careful, placing bricks and watch out for one another.

During the song, each team member will take a brick (1 brick at a time!) from the pile to a designated area and pile them up.  When the song gets slow everyone continues, but is now lunge walking.  Then when the song gets fast, everyone returns the brick 2 at a time to try and get all the bricks back before the end of the song.  However many bricks you have left at the end of the song, is how many Merkins your team owes the Q.

Not done with the bricks yet!
Kids get one brick; Adults get two bricks and circle up.
10 IC skull crushers
10 IC curls
10 IC air press
10 IC curls
return the bricks to the stack.

Mosey to water relay area at the other end of the track near the field house.
*Cannot cover the cup!
Water cooler full of water.  Stations with buckets and two small cups about 15 yards out.
Two team members runs with empty cup to the cooler to fill it up and run back, perform 2 SSH with water cup in hand, then dump into team bucket.
Q calls out exercise for waiting teammates to do while relay is going (Most actually did this, but many were caught up in the water fun.  Lots of smiles during this.)
Jog in Place | SSH | Squats | Butt Kickers | High Knees | Merkins
Song Get What You Give https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL7-CKirWZE
Go for the length of this song (5 minutes).
Q never tells the PAX what the objective was… fill the bucket, have the most water, have the wettest team?  F3 is competitive by nature, and the teams went at it to fill their buckets.  When done we simply asked for volunteers from each team, then dumped their bucket of water on their heads!

Mosey to the Launchpad to wrap up…

Q had a little bit of Mary lined up, but time was running low, so modifications were made to test out some new “stupid” songs by C#. 

      ….And that is your free workout for the day!  Great job everybody!


Kids, have you ever done anything to make your dad mad?  Probably several times a day, and sometimes you might even make him really mad.  But Dad still loves you.

Dad’s, have you ever done anything to make your heavenly father “God” mad?  I’m sure you have.  It’s called sin, and we sin.  But the good news is, God still loves us all, despite our misbehavior and mistakes.

Ephesians 2:1-3 speak of how we are sinners, calling us “sons of disobedience”, “sons of the devil”.  Then listen to the first two words of the following verses:

Ephesians 2:4-5 (ESV)

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—

We may mess up; but God, still loves us greatly. 

Don’t forget tomorrow is Father’s Day.  Be sure to tell your Dad how much you love him!


We had two young ladies who needed F3 nicknames.  One was a swimmer who already was given a nickname by FIA and we kept it, Freestyle!  The other was sporting her pink Chipper Jones shirt and is always smiling and “chipper”, so we went with “Chipper”.

– Lots of fun.  Water always gets crazy.
