5 straping young men appeared at Muscle Beach for a beatdown.
SSH x 25, WM x 15, CP x 15, Run 0.5 miles
The Thang:
11 stations were set up with an exercise. The pax were instructed to perform 2 sets of 10 reps of the exercise before moving to the next station. Thus 2/10's x 11…
- Squats – 40lb sandbag
- Lawnmowers – 25lb dumbbells
- Step ups – 20lb kettlebells
- Man Maker Merkins – 15lb dumbbells
- Jabs – 10lb dumbbells
- Clean Press – 30lb kettlebells
- Deadlift Row – 45 or 55lb kettlebell
- Skull Crusher – 35lb kettlebell
- Bench with Flutter Kicks – 40lb dumbbells
- Curls- 30lb dumbbells
- Tricep Kickbacks – tension band and hold for 20secs after the 10th rep
Pax had time to do another round of all the stations with 1 set 10 reps at each station.
- Strong push by all today
- Slow and Surf both ran to workout today, cudos fellas
- Surf headed back out to Colorado, pax suspects that Surf has a second house out there! Have a blast bro!
- Natty brought jams again today, angry jams…good workout tunes, makes you want to punch a hole in a wall or kick your windshield out of your vehicle, LOL! Glad Penner wasn't here today!
- Thanks Natty for bringing the extra dumbbells (no, not FNG's or lost pax, but weights)
- Schwinn spices up his appearance, clean cut, clean shaved, almost unrecognizable to some of the pax. Looking good brother!
- Natty week on the horizon… Next week! Calling ALL pax to participate!
- It was an honor and pleasure men!