2.5 Runners at GAGA

Event Date

Jul 30, 2019


3 men of F3LKN headed out for ~6 miles of fellowship.  One got more than he bargained for. Here's how it went down


0514 – As per usual, YHC rolled into Robbins Park on 2 wheels.  With most of the GAGA crew either DR or IR, I wasn't sure who to expect but as i pulled in, Breakfast Club and Ducky hopped out and and we were ready to roll. 

0515 – headed off towards Birkdale and over the bridge into Rubbermaid.  Ducky peels off for a quick pitstop and BC and I head up towards Northstone for the usual route through Birkdale.  Having run with Ducky plenty lately, YHC though this was a clever rouse to let us get far enough ahead to allow him to turn the jets on to catch us, which is, ineveitably, what happened.  But as we rolled past Gypsy's house, it became clear that Ducky may be in the midst of a code brown issue and was frantically seaching for refuge from the impending storm.  Eventually, we got a "BC, just pick me up at Starbucks when you're done" *thinking* 

BC and i finished up without incident and picked up a much relieved looking Ducky for some solid second F post.


  • Solid work by BC again this morning.  Just started a cycle for the Charlotte marathon and looking strong already.  get those pacing times figured out though
  • we finally found a way to slow down Ducky.  Glad you made it to the SBUX
  • Missing my GB teammates this morning.  You guys remember that #wegofastontuesday right?
  • For all you BRR runners.. next week Gaga takes a field trip.  it will suck, you will love it.  Rumor has it Coach Mort may join
  • Always an honor to associate with such fine men