2 became 3

Event Date

Jun 19, 2023

3 PAX showed for the kettlebells this AM.

What to do on a very muggy summer warming, well, You grab kettlebells and 2 F3 PAX, and… It went something like this:

Mosey 1 lap around JV Washam school.

Warm O Roma: SSH IC X 15, Very Slow Windmill IC X 10, carrot pullers IC X 15.

The Thang:

Starting at a parking space line, do 1 exercise, move to next parking space line, do next exercise, etc. across 5 parking spaces lines, then do same 5 exercises in reverse order. After all 10 exercises are done, then run backwards from starting point to parking lot drop off curb and back; repeat for 5 rounds.

1st line: KB swing X 5 OEO (on everyone’s own)

2nd line: KB upright row X 5 OEO 

3rd line: right arm ONLY lawnmower X 5 OEO 

4th line: left arm ONLY lawnmower X 5 OEO 

5th line: KB curls X 10 OEO


On your 6: mason Twists IC X 10, windshield wipers IC X 10, skull crushers IC X 10, Shoulder Press IC X 10.

Recover, Recover

Announcements: none discussed

Prayers: PAX Toby – mother and Crab Legs wife battling illnesses and in need of care for age related illnesses, PAX struggling with isolation. Prayers for Kotters