2 can slay a dragon, but not the apathy monster

Event Date

Apr 20, 2023




Converged Samson, called out for support.  But alas at 0530 just the Q and MQ were present. 

Thats not what we want, but that’s all we need.

We did a little cardio and a little kettlebell.

The rest is private and you gotta show to know.

COT happened.


  • I’ve simmered down a bit and will not type the rather heavy note I planned on writing.  Oh I’m still typing it.  I just am composed enough now to leave out the profanity.
  • Dragon Slayer was moved from GCC.  One main reason was the Dragon Slayer pax didn’t like the AO for running the standard across HWY 115.   After deliberation from the MQ, the 1st F Q, and others the new AO at Huntersville Recreation Center was picked.  It has all the toys you want for a great AO.  Most importantly to F3’s mission is it has 4 neighborhoods totaling over 1300 homes as well as an underserved Potts Town community within 1 mile.
  • This move has apparently been too tough for pax to come help launch so we can “give it away” and grow a new pax there.  *** Not just the traditional Dragon Slayer pax, but all Isotope pax.
  • It is easier to say it is too far than to give a damn.  Pax drive from Exit 23 up to Exit 28 for workouts but can’t go a mile south from Exit 23.  Pax will go to Mad Scientist but can’t go an extra mile to this AO.   33 Pax found the AO for QvQ only because it was a novelty but all of the sudden it became too far every week thereafter.  
  • So what I have learned today:   the Grateful Dead was right all along – “every silver lining has a touch of gray.”  In prior backblasts I’ve written positively about the cliques in F3 Isotope and also those who just go to an AO and never venture out.  And it was true.  I’ve seen benefits to that at times.  But the touch of gray is….. those cliques and local-only pax are forgetting what got them here.  What if Moses, Bama, and Omaha didn’t want to venture out of their neighborhood?  What if the pax that have followed couldn’t be bothered to help expand?  The answer:  99% of us wouldn’t be here.  We’d be paying to sadclown in a gym or else be at home sleeping in because we didn’t have the energy or motivation to do anything.
  • Everyone can’t be everywhere, I get that.  But there are three types of people reading this right now and you have to decide which group you fall in:
    1. you aren’t offended by this because you are an Isotope troubadour who does travel around and support AO’s
    2. you’re not offended but you think I am just ranting about nothing.  You likely venture a little but you like your routine.  You may think about this topic just a little more after reading this and start venturing out more
    3. you are offended by this and think I am stupid.  You’re selfish and in this for yourself.  For your schedule.  For your exercise.  For your convenience.  For your conscious or unconscious altruism.  You have yet to realize F3 isn’t about you.  It’s about the others.  You’ve yet understand the principle in math known as compounding — to realize each man can make himself better by his own power or he can become better from the outpouring of 2000 unselfishly working for the other (living third).