2 FNGs get named and the Pax gets Da Ditka Beatdown

Event Date

Apr 06, 2016

On a cool 32 degree morning, two FNGs were named today, which always makes for a good day.  “Scrubs” was FNG #1 named, as he works in the medical industry, wears scrubs in the O.R. for his job, but is not an MD.  FNG #2 who is a longtime friend of many of us in the MacAulay and surrounding hoods.  Many of us have been EH’ing him for a long time.  Tater in Davidson was the first to get him to come on Saturday this past week, but we got the pleasure of naming him today.  He (Jason) works for Scott’s lawn service, so his F3 name is now “Fescue”, and this should be pretty self-explanatory.  Great work today guys, and for those of you who didn’t go…well, this is what you missed!

Warmorama – run around school to other parking lot.  Chumbawamba Burpees (that's 27 burpees with some SSH – and every time the song says, "I get knocked down, but i get up again" – you do a Burpee). 

Da Thang:

  • Grab a rock and carry to top of hill
    • Rock Swings – 20 OYO
    • Rotate 2 rocks
    • Lion King Skull Crusher X 10IC
    • Rock Swings 20 OYO
  • Mosey end of front entrance
    • Partner One Broken Wheel Barrow to middle of entrance
    • Flapjack back
    • Mosey to front of entrance
  • Sprint to flag pole
  • Get to planters
    • Derkins 10IC
    • Step Ups X 10 each leg
  • Mosey along front of school to bus entrance
    • Partner One – Australian Pull Ups X 10OYO
    • Partner Two – Carolina Dry Docks X 10IC
    • Flapjack
    • Repeato going down to 10 Pull Ups OYO and 5 CDD IC
  • Mosey to picnic tables
    • Picnic table press X 10IC
    • On your six –  low flutter X20IC
    • Dips X 10 IC
    • Incline Mericans X 10IC
  • Mosey to wall – People's Chair / Balls to Walls
  • Mosey to rocks
    • Curls X10IC
    • Bear crawl down hill
    • Crawl bear up hill
    • Skull Crushers X 10IC
    • Return Rocks
  • Mary – a bunch (4 minutes’ worth) of non-Mary stuff thanks to OnStar, BamBam and Bunyan. 
  • Recover Recover


  • So glad we had two FNGs show today.  It’s always good to get new guys to experience a good beatdown.  Scrubs (my partner today) said, “oh these wheel barrows are going to hurt, I did chest and triceps yesterday….”  For a moment I had PTSD thinking…”oh yes, I remember those gym-rat days before I found F3.”  Scrubs, every day is chest and tris…and much more at F3!  BTW – Scrubs is, and will be more of, an animal. 
  • Fescue, another gym rat and runner, showed how hard he works today.  Why?  Cause at the end of the workout during the COT, he had to sit down, then walk away for a bit to “gather himself.”  Again, he’s a buddy of mine and I said there is NO SHAME in feeling like crap for your 2nd post, it’s happened to many of us (even me during my 3rd post – thanks to Olive).  What it says is you busted your butt, realized that this is harder than the gym, and you will be stronger and better in no time – that’s 100% guaranteed!  Oh, and it also says, YHC (your humble correspondent) did his job today #missionaccomplished.  Look forward to seeing you both back out in the gloom again soon!
  • As for the rest of you F3’ers, another solid day for all. 
    • Bam Bam’s fingers were about to fall off due to the cold (you’re used to holding warm rocks) but fought through and showed he’s still a beast even with cold fingers
    • Scrappy – well he was scrappy #beastmode  The “half” judge was in da house today.
    • Hasselhoff and OnStar cranking out the picnic table presses like it was a feather.  Oh BTW the best quote was, “wait, we lift these tables over our heads….?” – Scrappy
    • TommyBoy not afraid to throw out an early, “oh &$%^” when I started the workout with the Chumbaburpees but again, showed his resilience throughout!
    • Bunyan is one that just remains hard to show weakness.  Now, if you want to hurt him, do Bear Crawls – he hates them, but is getting stronger with them! #badelbow
    • Ultraman is just that – the guy that just keeps on going and never slows down.  And his watch is trying to tell us something, but none of us can figure out what the beeps are telling him. 
  • Playlist today: Chumbawamba, “Tubthumping” (clearly Scrappy listened to this song in College), Beastie Boys “Fight For Your Right” (Fescue’s go to band so I had to), Coolio, “Gangsta’s Paradise”, Eminem “Lose Yourself”, Pearl Jam “Even Flow”, Zepplin “Whole Lotta Love” (Scrappy’s new favorite lyrics…), Run DMC “Walk this Way”, GNR “Paradise City”
  • Chumbaburpees to start the workout off = #suck, in a good way.  That will get the heart rate up real quick.
  • Crawl bears at the end of the workout up that hill are just stupid.
  • Broken wheelbarrows are a great way to keep the core tight.
  • Picnic table presses, introduced by Pierogi many months ago at this AO are one of the best (worst) exercises to date.  I love it that by the time we get to 10IC, the tables are getting very wobbly.
  • Sorry for my mis-cadence count during the Lion King with Skull Crushers.  That’s a tough one to cadence, but after 3, we got into the groove. 
  • I didn’t get to do a new exercise I wanted to do today, so I will have to introduce it at Samson tomorrow!  ShowToKnow

Finally – since my phone was dead and I found a prayer this week that I wanted to share, I put it below.  So today in the COT I brought this to light the best I could.  My message was, many times we put God on the bench (NCAA basketball season just ending and all) and set him on the sidelines because we get too busy with all the other stuff (work, family, sports, etc.) in our lives.  Reality is, he should always be on the court, never needs a water break, and should NEVER be on the bench.  He’s the leader of our team, and sometimes we (at least I do) forget that sometimes. He’s the best player and coach we have in life, let’s learn from him…he’s willing to teach us all!

God, you love me as your own child. 
May I bend my life and will toward you 
so that I might accept your teaching and guidance. 
I am so grateful for your support in my life, 
now and in the eternal life you are preparing for me. 

I beg for your help and Spirit in my life today.