2 Generations Gathered for a Total Eclipse of the Heart

Event Date

Apr 08, 2024

The talk from start to finish was about the total (or 80% around here) eclipse coming this afternoon – actually within the next 30 mins of YHC typing this (the time is 2:25PM currently).  But the pax of 6 (to be joined later by Happy Gilmore) somehow gathered focus and got to work – much unlike YHC this afternoon.

So disclaimer, and away we trot.  Mosey up to get blocks, walk them down a row and around the corner to the hopefully most noise-conducive area of the AO.  Furthest form the houses, surrounded by shrubs and trees but thankfully not too far from the pull-up bars.

Warm-o-rama began with a surprise.  A choreographed workout???  Oh my!  YHC announced “First exercise is, the Side Straddle Hop.” Then paused, then the music.  House of Pain’s “Jump Around” comes on and beautifully and not at all in sync with one another nor with the music, the pax started jumping.

We got about half way through the song before YHC called halt, and that would conclude the choreographed portion of the workout.

Finished out the warm-o-rama, then moseyed over to the pull-up bars for 5 OYO, then mosey back tot he blocks.

Next we’d do Tabata.  45 seconds on with blocks, 15 second rest while YHC called the next exercise.

Full Curls for 45 secs.  15 secs rest.  Repeato.  Threepeato.

2 rounds of skull crushers, pause the Tabata timer, go for 5 more pull-ups, then back for more Tabata.

2 sets of lawn mowers (22.5 seconds each arm). 

3 sets of BROs (Manzier, Bent Over Row).

Then 5 more pull-ups.  Return for 2 sets of squats with blocks, then 1 set of slow squat – butt to the block and up.

After 5 more pull-ups (quite a bit more difficult now after the back exercises), we returned and YHC went through the muscle groups we hit and asked the pax what we missed.  Swiftie chimed in quickly – “Chest Press”.  Aye.

3 sets of chest presses.  Buuurrrrrrrrrrrn.  Ouch.

Blocks back, mosey right past the pull-up bars without stopping.  Grab the speaker (which was never on loud) and head 2 rows down for MWAR.

Around the circle for the same 45 secs/15 secs Tabata timing with pax calling the Mary exercise while 1 pax was always on the rope.  Good stuff here – more creative than usual, more pain that usual.

The eclipse-shadowed moleskine:

Happy Gilmore joined us early in the block work.  Actually curled one of the golden retrievers for a nice set.  He’d then go on to look up which Bonnie sang “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.  Don’t know?  Google it and now just like the rest of us – the song is certainly stuck in your head.  You’re welcome.

At name-o-rama we noted that all but 3 of the pax was over 50 (so half) while the other pax were in their 20s and 30s.  No pax in their 40s.  So then we discussed how when many of us started (first 1-2 years of F3, the avg age was about 41.  YHC started at age 41 and thought, “I need to start now before I pull the avg age up.”  Not sure what I thought would happen as time moved along….

Not much cardio at all this morning but some good strength building.  The super-sets of everything is key.  Thanks to Swiftie for calling for chest presses.  Those burned!

QvQ countdown is ON!  Weds at Rickard Berry Park (home of Fallout, Ludicrous Speed and The Estate).  YHC (the Cinderella Story) takes on AM-PM (the Deer Whisperer).  Don’t miss it!

Then 2 sets of calf raises with blocks followed by a set of calf raises on the blocks.
