2 Laps Around

11 weekend weary men rolled out of the fartsack with fine intensions to start this week off right and go put some time in at the Monster Mile.  Not knowing what was in store for them on this fine Monday Morning, they quickly learned that it would not be as long as the demolition derby that took place yesterday in Talladega, but the speed, carnage and pain would be comparable. 

Warmup: (All exercises IC unless noted)

SSH x20

IST x10

WM x10

Slow Deep Squat x10

The Thang:

We started with Merkin Suicides. Run to first line, 1 merkin, run back and then run to second line, 2 merkins and so on until you got to the 10th line.

Mosey across the street to the school and stop at the side for some wall work
Balls to the Wall and engage in Peter Parkers x 10
Preachers Chair while doing Air lifts x10
Balls to the Wall and engage into Pushups x10

Mosey down the stairs to the moist soft field:
Squats x21

Mosey back up stairs to picnic tables:
Incline Merkins x10
Dips x10
Decline Merkins x10
Dips x10

Mosey across the street to rock pile:
Curls x10
Skull Crushers x10

Bent over Rows x10

Mosey back to where we started and Repeato the whole lap minus rock pile


LBC x25

Mason Twist x20

Low Flutter x20

ABC (26 letters)

Low Dolly x20

J-Lo x10



-Chef-Boy-Ardee (sp?) was in attendance today but still has yet to be added to official F3 isotope roster

-Has anyone heard of any new cruise ships catastrophe's, have not heard form Chief.  Thought he would be back to run the Standard with his BRR buddies

-Speaking of the Standard, 5 men got up just a little earlier and almost got a tour of the Fort Knox Lowes complex.  A couple fences and a chain prevented that but we have a raincheck for when the next time our "in" at Lowes comes for a Monday Standard again.

-Don't forget F3 Dads this Saturday with fan favorite Big Mean Qing it up for the little ones.

-Always an honor to lead and humbling that you follow.