2 Men Lock Eyes

The Gloom brought out our most recent FNG or also know as “Lawn Boy”. With the last name of Snapper how could you go wrong? AMIRITE?! The Gloom also brought out 6 Pax for an early run and 3 Pax for the Heavy bookbag stuff.

05:30 started the workout with a warm up mosey along with Butt kickers, High Knees, and Karaoke or whatever. 

Circle up around the one of the symbols that YHC holds dear… Ole Glory!!! The Pledge was led by the toughest patriot I know…….. Lear! What an honor and inspiration to have Lear amongst our Pax. 

After the Pledge we Mosey to the back of the building dodging most of the mud and ant hills. 

Cirle up for a little Warm O Rama

25 SSH 

5 Burpees OYO

15 IST 

5 Burpees OYO

10 Windmills 

5 Burpees OYO

20 Little Man in the Woods (LMW)

7 Burpees OYO (2 extra Burpees were awarded due to alive Shack and Chief stopped my early on the LMW)

Maybe some Merkins in there somewhere 

Mosey to building across the street and down a bit for…..

20 Dips 

15 Incline Merkins 

10 Decline Merkins (Derkin)

Maybe some Merkins or Burpees after

Mosey to next building for….

The Pax was instructed to Duck Walk to first tree (20yds) and then do 5 Merkins

Then Bear Crawl to next tree (20yds) and do 5 Merkins

This will be repeated for how ever many trees there was

Mosey to Jet Hill for……

Quuuaaaaddr UH Feel Ya up the Hill. At this point YHC is running out of ideas but “Don’t Worry I Got A Plan” (DWIGAP) YHC asks our Leather skinned one Nut job of a Pax, Cupcake, “What is an exercise we haven’t done in a while?” Cupcake responds with “Scorpions.” With a smirk on his face  

So we did 

5 Right Foot Scorpion 

5 Left Foot Scorpion 

10 Squats ( Pax thought 5 wasn’t enough)

10 RF Scorpion 

10 LF Scorpion 

Mosey back to “Tree” area for….

Repeat of exercises done in this area before except 3 things. 1. We are going in the opposite direction. 2. Instead of Duck Walks we Crab Walked 3. Instead of 5 Merkins we did 10 at each tree.

Mosey to the first building and repeat exercises 

Mosey- at his point Love Shack was showing off all his new found abilities from trading for the P200 Tuna and BRR. He decided to lead the Pax. Our founding father Crack instigated that we should hang a left. So we did. Love Shack count on be YHC see missed the joke and yelled out Left Turn. (YHC is a dumb redneck… Go figure)

This led to Bear crawls up the hill followed by 5 Burpees 

Mosey to the back of the building for…


20 LBC

Mosey to softer pavement 

10 Merkins 

5 Burpees OYO

20 LMW

Mason Twist led by Shack

WWII led by Crack (Hopimg for the box cutter and cutter box)

The Finisher 


Thank you Again this morning for coming out and following my lead. I would never be doing this without each one of you. Thank you for pushing me. Have a blessed day! Rent A Cop was not there even though he shamed me into coming to his Q. He also has not wrote his 1/15/18 BB  #bringbigmeanback