2 Minutes Max

Event Date

Dec 16, 2020


Mosie to the gym awning (because I already had one bath this week)

Left over right/right over left

Overhead Stretch

Upper back Stretch

Chest Stretch

Toy Soldiers

(Finkle complaining)


The Thang


Round 1 

2 minutes Pull-Ups

Lap the flagpole 

2 minutes WWIs

Run to the east gate and back

2 minutes ‘Mercians

¾ parking lot lap

2 minutes Squats

Suicides to the top of the parking lot


Round 2

1 minutes Pull-Ups

Lap the flagpole 

1 minutes WWIs

Run to the launchpad

1 minutes ‘Mercians

¾ parking lot lap

1 minutes Squats

Suicides to the top of the parking lot



1 minute Freddie Mercury 

1 minute pretzel crunch left

1 minute pretzel crunch right

1 minute low flutters 

(45 minutes of Mater-Finkle banter) 



Been trying to dwell more deliberately on God’s sovereignty and providence. Thinking of Joseph, his story in Genesis, and the response he gave to his brothers who delivered him into slavery, “…what you intended for evil, God intended for good.” Sometimes it’s easy to see, even in the cold, wet and mostly miserable morning Gods grand design for the seasons. We need the rain, and the soil needs to rest. But what of the homeless, shelter-less and exposed? What about the sick and suffering in these crazy times? If God is sovereign, then every breath of every living creature is His to will. Why then permit evil, harm and suffering at all? Certainly there is a sound bit of theological reasoning to unmuttle these waters. I endeavor to rest in this, God is sovereign, and regardless of our intentions, designs and outcomes, His intentions are for good. 


Much love for the crew this AM. Appropriate levels of inappropriate banter, I’ll spare you the details. Based on today’s convos I highly recommend you never co-op a poncho liner with Finkle no matter how cold it is (unless that’s your thing). I briefly thought this workout was going to be exceptionally challenging until Dr. Dolittle casually ran up and proceeded to inquire about my well-being or lack thereof. (Hope he wasn’t discouraged too much by my apparent lack of breathing.) I intended to inspire Scope with a little nostalgia this AM, but I think I just reminded him of our former differences for going about things. Thanks to Mater for clearly disregarding the necessity to touch the line. Seriously, my glutes thank you. Shoutout to Thunder Club for obvious reasons, such as tolerating pull-ups, squishy shoes…, you know, the usuals. As always, an honor to serve. 
