26 of LKNs finest had a fine time at the General this am.  We learned that groups led by Magnus and Jazzhands much prefer Unity over OYO despite numerous calls from a Dingo Q.  No worries, they were rewarded with Extra burpies.  We didnt venture far but I believe fun a sweat was had by all.

Mosey lap around lot to warm up then side straddle, windmill, imperial storm troopers and mountain climers to finish the warm up.

Broke into 3 groups so everyone had space.  Suicides with exercises at each stop along the way.  First set of 4 had 20 reps of merkins, squats, carolina dry docks, and WWII situps. 5 burpies each time we changed excersises followed by a repeato but with 15 reps.  From there a mosey to the wall for 2 rounds of peoples chair with air press and Muhammad Alis.  5 more bupries and then some sprints and a long bear crawl to get us back to the flag in time for 5 more burpies to total 55 for the day. 

Thanks to Bagboy for sharing the good news about his coworkers cancer being in remission, prayers are with Ninja Turtles dad as he starts radiation and prayers for neighbors Mark and Haley as they grieve the loss of their 3 week old daughter.  Thanks Mangus for letting a Dingo take the lead of this great group!