2 of the Pax favorite exercises made an appearance today

Event Date

May 29, 2020

Zaire & MOD were there as well but not listed on the site 


It was a nasty morning as the humidity was close to 100%. Perfect conditions to break out the Kettlebells and push ourselves to the limit. 

Disclaimer & warmup

Slow Windmills

Dwight Shrutes 

Arm Circles

The workout consisted of the 5-50-4, 5 exercises, 50 Reps, 4 sets:

KB Swings

KB Squats

KB Curls

KB Rows(bent over or upright)

KB Press (Overhead or Chest)

After 2 sets YHC audibled to the progressive Burner. We started  at 1 and increased  to 15 as we walked from parking space to parking space in the garage. 

We had just enough time left for Mary and a mobility moment of pigeon. 

The mumblechatter started strong and dropped to nothing once the work began. Great to see The Force join his kids for a workout.

Toxic was happy he taped the 2002 National Championship game last night so he could watch it again and again and again. 

Diehard crushed it as usual and bought my coffee so thanks again and the next ones on me.

Cherry Bomb snuck out of the house while his son was sleeping and proceeded to destroy the workout with a 40lb bell  New-Dad Beast mode!

We ended up doing 100 Swings, Squats, Curls, Presses, & Rows. Additionally, we added 106 Burners for those who were curious.

 Thanks for joining today and supporting this AO. Get on the calendar if you haven’t Q’ed in a while.

Stay safe,


