2 Q’s one beatdown – Compounding Interest

Event Date

Oct 28, 2023

8 men posted to Mustang on this fine coolish morning. Fall seemed to leave for a couple of dog days of summer… including this afternoon, but the cold is coming! But since the cold isn’t here yet, FNG-1 (aka Backdraft) and Clark bring the heat.

With no Q on the calendar as of Friday evening Clark signs up t o Q. Upon arriving at the AO prior to 0700 (rare I know) and others learning Clark had grabbed the Q the peanut gallery was quick to point out that Backdraft (who is a frequent visitor of the Denver AOs because he works at Pumpkin Center Fire Department but typically works out in Kannapolis) had interest in grabbing the Q today. Though not on the website yet he’s an F3 veteran. He also is nowhere to be seen, but his car is there. so YHC gets the party started with some COP.

Plank Jacks (Backdraft emerges from a little standard pre workout run)
Dippy Birds
Glute Bridges
Single leg Glute Bridges (each side)
At this point Clark informs Backdraft that he can take the Q whenever and that Clark will sit here doing COP until he’s ready. 

The thing
Okay now Backdraft is ready. We go on a little mosey lap and head to exit the AO, cross Hwy 73 in the unsafest (I made-up that word) way possible and we put down a deposit at the NCSECU.
Buy in each round is 5 burpees
Then at each corner do the exercise, return to start. Each time you pass a corner, do that exercise.
So 5 Burpees at corner zero
Corner 1 = 10 Merkins (Back to start, 5 burpees, back to corner 1, 10 Merkins) then…
Corner 2 = 20 V Ups (head back to start, but stop for 10 merkins at corner 1, then 5 burpees… now you get the idea
Corner 3 = 30 squats
Corner 4 = 40 LBC
The 5-0 also stopped by (Lincoln County Sherrif) but looks like he was just visiting the ATM

Backdraft leads us back to the launch pad as he has to go to work and hands the Q over to Clark.

Afraid of what Clark has in store, Spork volunteers to grab the Q but in his refusal to write a backblast Clark declines the offer.

Everyone grab a block, short one block we also grab one rock. Also, the marching band trailer yet again stole our non-broken blocks so once again we had to steal them back. They are now stored in a new location around the backside of the “permanent” trailer. Hopefully a little more out of site and leaving them broken blocks will deter the blocks from being taken. We’ll just get some more soon enough.

Blocks are carried to the practice field and everyone lineup on the white line. Every 10 yards do 5 of the exercise, except add 5 more at each stop. We will continue the investment them and call it Compounding interest.

5 Curls, lunge walk 10 yards
10 curls lunge walk 10 yards
15 curls lunge walk 10 yards

40 curls lunge and halt
Since Clark didn’t lead the whole time, this is where the clock catches up and time for end-ex .
On the way back to return the blocks Zamperini the block 10 yards and complete 5 skull crushers every 10 yards back down the practice field. Return the blocks and head back for Mary.

More like 2 min
Low Flutter

Recover Recover

Taking time to pray. If you are finding yourself not taking time to pray then it’s not because you are too busy, you just aren’t making prayer a priority. This is a struggle for YHC. Maybe your next prayer should be to ask God to make it a priority. Ask Him for discernment regarding revealing and recognizing the priorities in your life. Don’t “should yourself” into not praying by letting other priorities take precedence.

Thanks to Backdraft for leading some of this workout. Always fun to get someone else to Q
Many almost turned against Backdraft thinking we were going to run a lot.
Only 2 at coffee.
Mater gets to watch his boy play hockey.
Admittingly I didn’t get to talk too much today as I was sucking wind from Backdrafts downpainment. That workout will really pay dividends
Good work today investing in your health
Okay I think I’m done with bank references.