2 Yellows and a Red

13 PAX posted this am Hoffa does not show up on the PAX list.   


The Thang


Count Exercise
For the duration of the Michigan fight song.  Plank / Down Dog / Up Dog
20 Storm Trooper
20 Tennessee Picker
20 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Lawn Mower R/L
20 Merkins
30 Sumo Squat
20 curl
20 Skull Crusher
20 Shoulder Press
20 Bent Over Row
20 KB Chest Press
10 each side Lung R/L
10 OYO 2 Arm Swing
20 curl
20 Skull Crusher
20 Shoulder Press
10 Dead Lift
20 R/L Side leaning KB Chest Press
10 farmer carry squat L/R
5 each arm OYO Single arm swing L/R
20 curl
20 Skull Crusher
20 Shoulder Press
20 Up Right Row
20 Wide Merkins
10 OYO Single Leg Dead Lift R/L
10 OYO Switching Arm Swing

The Moleskin

  • Frogger fell ill and so YHC stepped in to Q.   Only 3 faux pas in this workout. 
  • Understandably, Outlaw handed out red card for the use of the Michigan fight song in the workout. 
  • 2 yellow cards were handed out due to a few exercises being challenging to the back (no twisting with weight.