20 of 20 in 2020

7 pax got up super early for a Wednesday to run a standard fellowship run (Bunyan, Vinegar Bend, Q-Bert, Vandelay, Cherry Bomb, Dingo, YHC). 1 had to leave before the bootcamp began, but for good reason. And, 6 more joined in for the main event. That makes a total of 13 for those keeping track. Here’s what happened to them/for them:20 Repetitions of 20 Exercises. Each exercise was performed at a corner of the parking lot. And, we ran to the next corner in between each set.Round (square) 1:SSH x20icIST x20icWindmill x20icBurpees x5oyoRound (square) 2:Iverson x20icCDD x20icJump Squat x20oyoDips x20icBurpees x5oyo (before starting next round)Round 3:Squat x20icMerican x20Mountain Climbers x20icStep Ups x20(10 ea. leg)Burpees x5oyo (before starting next round)Round 4:Balboa’s x20ic (with arms raised)Crabbawocky x10ic REPEATOApollo Ono x20icDecline Merican x10 REPEATOBurpees x5oyo (before starting last round)Final Square (round), MARY style:LBCs x20icFlutter Kicks x20icHip Dip x10ic right side, x10ic left sideFor those keeping up the count, that is only 19 different exercises with plenty of time, so we Indian ran to the playground and back to perform 20 pull ups oyo (2 sets of 10, 10 sets of 2, or any combination to get to 20. The multiplication is oyo as well)RECOVER RECOVERMOLESKIN:Good group running the standard this morning. We even picked up 2 that were running to the workout and forced them into an additional mile or so.Great job Vinegar Bend and Bunyan for not taking the easy way in this morning, and providing listening ears to QBert during his run.I think Cousin Eddie gets the Einstein award this morning. He figured out the 20 rep theme pretty early on and even did math to come up with how many burpees were left. All before 6am!Rodeo took matters into his own hands when he did karaoke while everyone else was side-shuffeling. It was such a great idea, we decided to join him in the next round.Caboose seems to get more popular the less he posts. There was much admiration expressed his way this morning…YHC included.I have great respect for a family guy who could say he can’t post at 5:30 and sleep in. However, Q-Bert chisels some time out to post for the standard runs anyway.Nice work, as usual brother.Cherry Bomb was an enthusiastic participant this morning. Although, when we were trying to force him into the lead at the standard, he kept pulling back to “stay with the team.”My intention was to get through all 20 reps of all 20 Exercises. I had no idea how much time that would take, so I rushed a few sets early on. I may have lost a few of you because of it, and I’m sorry for that. I know you were all challenged enough to hang with me the entire time. Great effort and even greater mumble chatter, which I love.Don’t forget Sweet C is moving Sunday at 1pm. Come help out. There should be plenty of 2ndF and food and “drink”. Of course, now that we are all coming to his house, he has to start posting more regularly. Good to see you this morning, my friend.
