20 Pax Honored Bag Boy by Running Teeter to Teeter at this Morning’s The Revolt!

Additional Pax Present:  Puddin, P.A.B., Tin Man, Pay Pal, Giselle, Lakawanna & FNG (Jim Lekovich)

20 Total Pax (including 1 FNG) came out to run this moringn's The Revolt 5 mile route. 

The Teeter to Teeter route was selected in honor of our Nantan, Bag Boy.  This route also honored one tennant of Bag Boy's mission of tightening the bond of the LKN AOs by leaving Davidson and venturing through a bit of Cornelius before returning (quickly) to Davidson.  

COT included lifting up Bag Boy in his recovery, OC's family friend Mark Anthony's liver transplant and also an announcement of Q-School taking place 9/14 from 6:30am – 8am at Davidson K-8 (Davidson Elementary School). 

Always a pleasure running with these men and enjoying the fellowship of group runs!