20 Strong at The Foundry

PAX that were there but are not loaded on the new Isotope website:  Bandwagon, Denim, Scrappy's dog (Jingles), Carpet Bagger's dog.

Everyone grab a rock and drop off at designated spot.


Mosey up to top of parking lot with high knees, butt-kickers, karaoke left/right

Circle Up

Windmill x 10

SSH x 20

Mountain climber x 15

Squats x 10


All exercise in cadence (IC) unless otherwise noted

Line up by pullup bars

Run to opposite end of parking lot and do 8-count bodybuilders x 10

Run back to other end of parking lot and do jump squats x 10 (single count)

Move down 1 row in the parking lot

Run to opposite end of parking lot and do Turkish get-ups x 10 (single count)

Run back to other end of parking lot and do plank jacks x 15

Move down 1 row in the parking lot

Run to opposite end of parking lot and do shoulder touch ‘mericans x 10

Run back to other end of parking lot and do break dancers x 10

Move down 1 row in the parking lot

Run to opposite end of parking lot and do burpees x 8 OYO

Run back to other end of parking lot and do burpees x 8 OYO

Move down 1 row in the parking lot

Run to opposite end of parking lot and do Bam-Bams up to 5

Run back to other end of parking lot and do goblet squats x 10

Mosey over to pavilion

Incline ‘mericans x 10

Wall toe-touches x 20

Dips x 15

Box jumps x 10


Mosey over to rock pile and grab a rock

Curls x 12

Skull Crushers x 12

Overhead press x 12

Run a lap around the island OR do burpees until PAX get back

REPEATO, decreasing reps by 2 down to 8 reps


Dying cockroach x 15

J-lo x 15

Pickle pounder x 15

Freddy Mercury x 15

Low flutter x 15

Low dolly x 15


1. Thanks everyone for coming out this morning.  Hope you enjoyed the workout.

2. Starting to see a lot of regulars at The Foundry.

3. There was a good spattering of mumblechatter throughout the workout.  1 BS call by Scrappy but don't recall what it was about.  Someone probably stepped on his dog.

4. YHC farted a lot during Mary.  Sorry, not sorry.

5. If you haven't already, sign up for the new Isotope website and go to the Calendar section to sign up to Q!

See y'all in the gloom…

Ty Webb