2016 To the Core

Event Date

Dec 31, 2016

Six HIM gathered in the 25 degree cool air to work on their core and make ice angels in the grass. Including in the six were two GasHouse PAX (The Nomads) Freight and Def Leppard, who travel across the F3 Nation to visit with different AOs and meet PAX. 

Warm Up:

21 IC SSH, 1 extra because the Q lost track

16 IC Mtn Climbers

LoR and RoL

The Thang:

1 mile mosey to the practice soccer field

Line up on sideline and complete 20 IC of called exercise, then sprint to mid-field and complete 16, back to sideline (start) and complete 20, then sprint to far sideline and complete 16. This continued for 16 rounds. Q took first few rounds and then let each PAX call an exercise. 

Each exercise was core focused, and either 20 or 16 reps, hence "2016 to the Core".

Not that YHC will remember all, however, below are some of the items completed:

  • LBC
  • Flutter Kicks (twice)
  • Low Dolly
  • V-ups
  • In and outs
  • Sandy V 
  • Shoulder Tap Merkins
  • Shoulder Tap Merkins by one PAX while others plank, then your turn. Each completing a merking until 16 was reached
  • Peter Parkers
  • Many others…please comment and I'll update

Mosey to fieldhouse at track for 1 min wall sit. Never let Closer keep time, that was more than a minute.


Round Robin Mary, with an introduction of Dr. W to the GasHouse crew, a thanks for showing us the Sandy V (SVU).


References to Ice Angels made in the grass, due to many sets on our six. Along with complaints or compliments about sweating when its in the 20s. Other than that, the focus was on the new Sandy V exercise shared with the ELHS PAX. 

Reflection: Out with the old in with the new. YHC had an interesting year, a lot of bad things happened in his life, some he is still struggling with…but at the same time, great things happened, like finding F3 and accepting Jesus. 

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, throughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." -Jeremiah 29:11


Pleasure to lead, not only out of 2016 but into 2017! Aye!