2020 Here We Go

Wow, Virgin Q was on and poppin. 6 Paxs showed up to support and experience a little mayham dark and early. 

FGF started with a mile run to warm up, you're welcome Meatball, and then a 5 station cuircuit around the green. The circuit included 1. the squat (the counting, wow), 2. the flying merkin (thanks Chicken Noodle for the name, ie merkin raising alternating legs at the top), 3. lunges, 4. Mexican (Jumping Bean) squats, and 5. Imperial Storm Troopers. After each circuit a little run around the bock with a total of 3 circuits. We finished off with the big surprise, Hill Sprints. 

For a Virigin Q I heard "wow this really working", so that was encouraging. Gonna manage the clock a little better next time since we didn't get the planned, big finish, sprint set in. Oh you would have loved it. 

COT was about what do we need God's help for in 2020, forget resoultions- if you can do it on you're own, you're not thinking big enough. We had some great prayer requests- The Noodle- pregnancy/wife/family, Swampy- son, Aiden's heart condition, Marshell- prayer for friend, Andrew battling cancer, Meatball- family word of the year "consistency", Pusher- wisdom for world leaders and dad, Joe's ongoing recovery from heart surgery, TouchMeNot- woot for showing for COT- being a light in the neighborhood, and FGF- dirrection for career/future.

It was fun, it was real and ready to do it again some day soon. Thanks for the fun time and heckling, much appreciated. 
