YHC, Cousin Eddie, and Calypso ran The Standard. We were joined by 27 more pax for the first beatdown of 2020. The original plan was to co-Q with Turncoat, but he was too busy ringing in the new year with tea and lozenges. There was mention of not wanting to do burpees so YHC committed to a burpee free workout. Get better soon brother! At 0700 we moseyed to the parking lot by Chipotle, circled up, and a disclaimer was given.



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Manmaker x 5 OYO
  • IST x 20 IC
  • Manmaker x 5 OYO
  • Carrot Puller x 20 IC
  • Manmaker x 5 OYO
  • Monkey Humpers x 20 IC 
  • Manmaker x 5 OYO'


The Thang

Grab a block…but oh no, definitely not enough blocks for everyone. Let's partner up…but oh no, not enough blocks to partner up even. Ok – form teams if needed. P1 will do block exercise while other partner/teammates low flutter until their turn. But first everyone does Merkins x 20 IC.

  • OH press x 20 OYO
  • Curl x 20 OYO
  • Bent over row x 20 OYO
  • Block Swing x 20 OYO


Let's mosey around the parking lot and end up in front of Talbots. Five sprints were completed and then we moseyed back to the blocks. 

  • Merkins x 20 OYO
  • Repeato block exercises while other partners Low flutter


Put up blocks and mosey to Launch.



  • Crunchy Frog x 20 IC (YHC)
  • Low Flutter x 25 IC (Bagboy)
  • Pretzel Crunch x 5 IC each side (Crimson)
  • LBC x 10 IC (Jethro)
  • Boxcutter x 10 IC (Soprano)
  • Heel taps x 5 IC each leg (Moses)
  • First half of the alphabet (Ramrod)
  • Merkins x 20 OYO (YHC)



  • YHC officially takes over as 1st F Q in the Huntersville/Cornelius region. I've got big shoes to fill, but I'm looking forward to getting after it and setting up lots of 1st F events and challenges. Number one priority is to Make Boot Camps Great Again #MBCGA. May build a wall on the Davidson border to keep them out (AND THEY'RE PAYING FOR IT). We'll see what happens.


Very much looking forward to the rest of this year and hope to see more pax out there and hopefully some new ones as well. Thanks to all who came out and to Gnarly Goat for lending me his AO for the day. Until next time – CB