2021 IPC Mash-up

Event Date

Feb 26, 2022



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IPC 2021 mash-up… why not. FNG-1 is Cornholio who is back from about a 5 or 6 month AWOL. Still hasn't registered on the site, but that's okay.

10 IC Tony Hawks
10 IC Merkins
Arm Circles
10 IC Pickle Pounders

Mosey down to the block pile and grab some block. If the track is open we go there


Time for an IPC 2021 mash-up

Week 1 Round 1

800 meter run
25 yard murder bunny 
10 shoulder tap merkins (merkin-tap each shoulder is one rep) 
25 yard reverse murder bunny (to be called ‘redrum bunny’ for remainder of this backblast and by YHC going forward) 
20 blockees with a thruster 
25 yard murder bunny 
10 shoulder tap merkins (merkin-tap each shoulder is one rep) 
25 yard redrum bunny

Week 2 Round 2
Do 8 Squrls* on the sideline, coupon carry to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Squrls are complete (88 total)

*Squrl = Squat while curling coupon up to chest.

Week 3 Round 3
50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunge (right leg-left leg= 1).

Run 1200M

Week 4…. ¼ish of workout (Modified)
With time remaining do each exercise in a set of 25, run 25 yards, do 3 burpees and run back, do the remaining 25, except for the last set…you are done with 25 If you get that far. OMAHA due to time and the original working being confusing AF, just do 50 of each (or 25 IC)

50 curls
50 Squats
50 Overhead Press
50 Block Swings
50 Merkins
50 Thrusters
50 Bonnie Blairs (2 is 1)
25 Blockees


Clark and Cornholio stood and watched as C# and Hefty did 50 Jackknifes

James 2:15-16 ¹5 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. ¹6 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?

(1 John 3:17) ¹7 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?"


  • IPC = Crowd Pleaser. But this time without the time push it was much more relaxed
  • Polishing the old headlight actually means I just polished one headlight on my 2001 Toyota Sequoia. It means nothing else, Hefty.