2023 #Just1

Event Date

Dec 30, 2022


6 Pax were represented at #Emmaus this morning. Here’s the summary:

Mosey from Checkpoint 1/base to Checkpoint 2/Movie Parking Lot for Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x30 (60)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Imperial Storm Trooper x20 (40)

-Lil’ Professor/Dwight Schrute/long snapper/carrot puller/slippery dip can/soap locator x10

-‘Mericanators (5 regular; 5 diamond; 5 wide) (15)


To the wall for the following (IC):

-Mohammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x20 (40)


-Christian McCalf Raises x23 (46)


-Praying Mantis x20 (40)



Mosey to Checkpoint 3/Square:

-Dips x10

-Inclined ‘Mericans x10


Mosey a lap around the square

On your 6 (IC):

-Suzanne Somers x20 (40)

-Snow Angel (a Toby favorite) x20 (40)

-Homer to Marge x10

-Hollow Hold x10

-Burpees x5


Mosey a lap around the square to Checkpoint 4 for (OYO):

-Lbc’s x 50

Mosey a lap around the square

-Squats x50

Mosey a lap around the square

-WW II’s x50

Mosey a lap around the square

Stop at VS along the way for MH (IC) x10 (20)

-‘Mericanators (5 regular; 5 diamond; 5 wide)


-Recover, Recover


Prayer Requests:

-Mothers-Remember who recently lost a parent. Also, remember UltraMan, The Force, Jorel and Toby in this area too regarding caregiving, health issues, and/or aging parents.

-Unspokens in all F3 circles.

-Gnarly Goat-Having back issues (possible kidney stone). Going to doctor soon to evaluate.

-Crocs-Remember hi friend who had open heart surgery and is recovering.

-Intentional commitment from all Pax to help EH those who haven’t posted in a while who may get back at it in early 2023, or FNG’s who may be curious about F3 who may start posting.


As we held Coffeteria, we packed Starbucks this morning-standing room only. Almost like another Post Christmas Party!

As the new year approaches, it’s a good reminder for all Pax to be welcoming and hang back when needed. Never underestimate the power of inquiry, inclusion, and invitation which may make the difference for someone to repost or not. It takes all of us. Who is on your list on 2023 to be a possible FNG that you can EH? If each of us just brought one, imagine how many new brothers we’d have in our circles each day (wow) #just1 .

Blackberry, Black Eyed Pea, & Red October chose to run vs do bootcamp activities. Gnarly Goat, Crocs, and YHC held back for the pain. We came up with a great idea for future COT/Namarama, but will keep you guessing until we launch the concept.

YHC has been fortunate to spend quality time with many HIM lately. It is humbling to see the impact that they have as they represent F3, the power of our relationships, and how they impact our friendships, families, and community.

I had a great time with you gents this morning. Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, etc.)