2023 KettleBell Murph

Event Date

Nov 29, 2023

If you are on Slack, or posted this morning, then you know what is below.  For everyone else, here you go…


One Minute Warning


Let’s go!


SSH (IC) x 20

Abe Vigoda (IC) x 10

Copperhead Squat (IC) x 10

Plank Jack (IC) x 10

#22 Merkins OYO but you’re never alone

Toy Soldier (IC) x 10

Mosey to the pull up bars


“THE” Kettlebell Murph

5 pull ups with bell on foot

10 push ups on bell

15 squats with bell

~.10 mile out and back to large tire with bell

Repeato for time

Mosey back to Launchpad


LBC (IC) x 20

ELK (IC) x 10 each side

Jane Fonda (IC) x 10 each side

Dr. W (IC) x 5

Recover Recover


Today is National Package Protection Day.  With all that you can see wrong with the country/world, we live in a pretty blessed time where some celebrate the protection of packages just showing up on our doorstep, sometimes within hours of pressing a button on a phone.



Prayer out


-For all the grunting and complaining about a kettlebell murph, the PAX seem to carry around a bunch of kettlebells on the regular.  Not sure how many rounds everyone got in, but all got stronger (and warmer) in the end.

-Iron Horse beasts this with a vest AND what looked to be a 40-50# sand bag

-Sparrow had plenty of bells to share which made some PAX very happy

-Good to have Slaughter from Metro visit and set the pace out front

-Awesome to have Bum Gun from Ft. Collins with us and shows us we all need a catchy hand salute for our F3 nickname

-Don’t ask Travolta where he holds his kettlebell during pull ups

-Marker is back at it with 10+ posts in recent weeks.  Glad to see you back out in the gloom brother!

-Clark protects his package year round apparently

-Sonar was really hoping something posted on Slack was not true but kept the “it’s only 45 minutes mentality” throughout


Always a pleasure to lead and be led by you fine men.
