** 2023 Mighty Oak Patch Challenge Award Ceremony **


After much anticipation, spring break rescheduling, and long manufacturing and transit lead times from Mainland China, YHC was thrilled to be able to finally hand out the patches for last year’s Mighty Oak Challenge.  As a reminder, the criteria for the award:

  • 4 Qs (or co-Qs) in the 2023 calendar year
  • 12 posts in the 2023 calendar year

Nine of the manliest pax in the Isotope region rose to the challenge, and met the high standard that earned them this distinct honor.  Six of these men (plus Shaken Not Stirred and Zare) showed up for this morning’s event.  Here’s what went down.


  • SST x 25 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 IC


The premise of the workout was simple enough.  Each award winner would call an exercise (blocks or otherwise) and then we’d all do a lap around the Mighty Oak track.  The order was determined by the order in which the patch challenge was completed last year.  A highly engaging (and AI-generated?) rock playlist would be the soundtrack of our morning.

  1. Turncoat – Skull Crushers x 15 IC, lap
  2. Toby (Estwing proxy) – Chest Press Low Flutter x 15 IC, lap
  3. Estwing – Alternating Block Side Lunge x 16 IC, lap
  4. Gambini – Overhead Press x 20 IC, lap
  5. Kosar (Estwing proxy) – 15 Lawnmowers Each Arm OYO, lap
  6. Crocs – Mobility Moment, lap
  7. The Force – Colt 45 (15 low, 15 high, 20 [math not his strong suit]) Curls, lap
  8. Mulligan (Shaken proxy) – Pretzel Crunch (L/R x 10 IC) + 10 ‘Merkins OYO, lap
  9. Roadie – People’s Chair Seal Clap x 15 IC + Christian McCalfRaise x 23 IC, lap

Blocks back, close to 1.6 miles of running in ovals!

Martin Lawrence Running GIF by Ren DMC


  • Zare – L/R Jackknife LBC x 10 IC
  • Crocs – LBC x 20 IC
  • Turncoat – Mason Twist x 20 IC
  • Gambini – V-hold 45 seconds

Recover, recover.


Prayers for injuries and anyone dealing with family stress heading into the summer.  Thanks to all the Pax who participated in the challenge last year!
