2024 Mighty Jungle Open

Event Date

Jul 13, 2024

YHC had originally planned to return to Q duties at the 1-year anniversary of back surgery (7/19 at the Cauldron!), but a few weeks ago, he was forced out of retirement earlier due to Berean’s MQ not listening to a good idea which required me to take matters into my own hands (or sneakers) the following week. Since then, I am striving for one Q per week — if everyone did that (or even once a month), Toby would be forced to #fartsack 3 days a week for lack of any openings on the calendar!

With an early #PB the day before, I was uncertain if anyone would see that the Jungle was back in action again. For the first time in several months, all 3 Saturday AOs were open and the competition was fierce with a solid beatdown option at Bedrock (Possum) and a kid-friendly option at Estate (Ping). Anxiety had me up early so I headed over at 0615 for a unannounced, solo standard of about 2 miles. At 0655, I was certain I’d be sad clowning, but then around 0657 a few good men pulled in ready to see what this old guy would come up.

We sauntered (at various speeds) to the fountain where we did a quick warmup of SSH, Mtn Climbers, and Windmill before I divided us into 2 teams and handed each a frisbee and course map. From the fountain, each team would take turns throwing their disc towards an object (most often a tree) around the AO. Once within a stride of the “hole” each team would do a number of single count merkins equaling the number of tosses it took to get to the hole. Then, for each hole, there was a unique exercise to complete before teeing off for the next hole.

We worked in a clockwise fashion from the fountain for the first 9 holes:

  1. Middle of parking lot: 1/4-turn Jump Squats
  2. Pull-up bars: Pull Ups (duh)
  3. Do Not Enter sign: WWII
  4. Entrance by old rectory: Monkey Humpers
  5. Back to parking lot: Merkins
  6. Bell Tower: Praying Mantis
  7. Stairs behind church: Bunny Hops
  8. Stumptown beside roundabout: Shoulder-touch Merkins
  9. Fountain: Dips

For the back 9, we audibled from merkins to squats with 1 per toss per hole. In addition to the squats we did the following exercises:

  1. Family Center: Apollo Ohnos
  2. Mary statue: Bear Crawl (or Lunge Walk)
  3. School rock along Stumptown: Quadrophelia w/ CDD
  4. Tree behind family center: Rocky Balboa (aka Muhammad Ali)
  5. School entrance: People’s Chair w/ Air Press & Seal Clap
  6. Trash receptacle: Suzanne Sommers
  7. Benches at end of Nature Trail: Decline Merkins
  8. Stop Sign in Parking Lot: Bulldog Merkins
  9. (Fountain; we omitted the last hole due to time)

Following a questionable first hole, it quickly became obvious that Knockout and Shadow were our disc experts with the most accuracy. Nextel (still waiting for website approval) had a strong showing as well, and Bagboy was efficient with most of his tosses. As for the Q — let’s just say it was a good thing he was on the team with 3 players to reduce his number of attempts!

YHC appreciated the support this morning, even though it may have taken a couple of pax away from Bedrock (sorry Possum!). Bagboy sacrificed a day of triathlon training and Knockout was willing to leave the bike at home for one weekend. I was worried there might be some grumbling that the exercises were insufficient with all the frisbee follies, but I know my shirt was soaked at the end, and I suspect I was not the only one. Following a prayer, Bagboy joined YHC at NY Bagel where we had coffee with several of the Estate pax. 

Many thanks to everyone for the fun workout. Let’s do it again some time and avoid an unceremonious end to the fine Saturday AO known as the #MightyJungle!