21 + 1 Burpee Salute in honor of UNCC students Riley Howell + Ellis Parlier

16 pax posted at the original F3 LKN (Isotope) Saturday workout to get the toughest part of the weekend behind them. Not included in the Pax list above are Pit Stop and FNG Anthony. Tclaps, Mojito, for strong EHing in recent weeks. YHC offered a warm (as in warm them up quickly) welcome. This was supposed to be a joint Q effort, but my joint Qs didn't show up until 0655. Not to worry, I had a few ideas.

Disclaimer delivered and acknowledged.

Warmorama – form walks to the stairs leading down to the soccer fields and Broadway. Several rounds of stair walks, including 1-stair at a time, 2 stairs at a time, one-legged hop, & other leg hop. Calf raises. 3 sets of 10 in-cadence (IC). Circle up for IST, Perkins, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, and forward fold.

Series of Wall sits, with air presses, raise left / right leg and then sneak away from those not paying attention. 

Mosey to the middle school track and football field for Dora: 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 LBCs. While partner 1 does the exercise, partner 2 uses a disc/frisbee under his feet for seal drag 15 yards and back again. The friction was not kind to us…

Mosey to the stairs on far side of the field for rock work. I was pleased to see the new guys weren't goaded into selecting rocks that would crush them. Alas, the Q was having none of that…we promptly rotated rocks for a series of exercises including: 21 curl salute (7 low, 7 high and 7 full curls all IC), shoulder presses, skull crushers, upright rows, straight arm raises, and goblet squats. Return your rip-rap to a dirty spot.

Mosey to Wolfpack playground (cause it's painted red, people, and this is where we make a STATEment about our fitness). 1-6 pull up ladder with 10 lunges after each set of pullups. After each set of pull-ups and lunges, run to the bottom of K2 and back. For those on a no-run medically prescribed recovery protocol (or too smoked for the run), walk half way down and back to the top. YHC had to call an audible and stop the pax before completion (except Metallica and Landline, who i think finished).

Mosey to Broadway where we finished with a 21+1 burpee salute to honor Riley Howell and Ellis Parlier of UNCC who died this week in a classroom shooting on campus.

Lock shields – Thanks to Burning Bush for taking us out and offering up his prayer for the victims and families.

Qsource discussion touched on Prayer


  1. Bagboy was spotted solo rucking with all his friends/teammates
  2. Outlaw did his best to keep YHC on track, or not. Baited
  3. The bag-o-pain generated some early chatter and interest. But, the pax was happy to put the discs back in the bag and forget about the bag-o-pain.
  4. Anthony requited himself well at his FNG post. Well done, brother. Keep it up and F3 will make you stronger in many ways. I see the formation of a new small group (shield lock) with Crocs, Pit Stop, & Anthony. Y'all can hold eachother accountable.
  5. YHC had to offer some banking lessons to the bankers about debt product offerings. You're welcome. Now get back to work. There's no resting at an F3 workout unless the Q calls a 10-count.
  6. Did anyone get the feeling that Jersey Boy was incredulous at the turnout? Thanks for the support, men.
  7. Oyster enjoyed the track, but was disappointed that he couldn't change the elevation like he can on his favorite training option, the treadmill. RESPECT

It was my honor to lead you men this morning. Thanks, Moses