21 & 77 Celebrations

Event Date

Oct 17, 2023


We celebrated the 21 years of fun of having my 2.1 around – birthday 10/16.

We also celebrated 77 years of life of Suzanne Somers who passed away on 10/15 but her 77th bday would have been 10/16.

Three pax joined the Q for these celebrations and here’s how it rolled:

Disclaimer first, which included the fact that YHC got a flu shot and shingles shot the afternoon before.  So my mind or my body might be a little whacky today, but really that’s not much of a disclaimer now is it…

Mosey to the track.  Stop in the corner for a typical warm-o-rama.

Slow mosey over to grab blocks, little arm circles on the way, then big arm circles then zampirini back to the track (this was all geared toward loosening up the tight, sore shoulders.  But YHC doesn’t feel pain or discomfort so wasn’t really necessary.

The Thang:

In the corner, an exercise with the block and 21 reps in cadence or single count.  Block down, mosey to the opposite corner of the track where the Three’s Company theme song is on loop.  On the ground for Suzanne Somers leg-lifts 7 in cadence each leg.   Back up, mosey to the first corner where we’d do another exercise with the block, 21 reps. Then again to the other corner, same song still playing, etc, etc.

The idea/plan was to go to the Three’s Company corner 11 times for 77 reps in cadence.  Well we were running low on time after only the 5th visit to the apartment, so we then doubled the count doing the 6th and 7th round there, moseyed back to the blocks for the 8th and 9th round and finally the 10th and 11th round.

So in the end we ran about 1.25 miles, did curls, skull crushers, shoulder presses, lawn mowers, Bent Over Rows, Calf Raises and even some Mary all in reps of 21 (most in cadence but not all) and all 77 reps of Suzanne Somers, all in cadence.

The “Do you have to be 21 to get into the Reagel Beagle?” Moleskine

If multiple parts of your bodies are sore this afternoon – you’re welcome.

If you didn’t know Suzanne’s birthday was 10/16 like my 2.1 – shame on you but now you know – you’re welcome.

If the Three’s Company Theme song isn’t in your head there’s something wrong with you.  Assuming it’s in your head – you’re welcome.

Peart Plus’ 2.0 is a sr in high school and just received his first college acceptance letter.  Congrats to him and to the proud parents.  Still waiting on letters from 2 more schools.  Embrace the journey and enjoy it.  He’s done what he can as have you.  Trust God’s plan and enjoy the ride, brother.  This ride continues for years.