240 Years of IndePAINdence

July 4th Backblast – TPR


StumpJumper, Tiny, Stout, Zambone, Juice, Juicy Fruit, SwampThing, Grouch, Hangover, Whirly, Fidel, The Bus, Mindfreak, das Boat, Curd, Sanford, Spanarkle, Duvall, Probation(FNG) Pusher, Bullwinkle, Riptide, Creeper, Hacker, Bada Bing, Threeway, Urban Meyer(FNG)

29 Brave ‘Mericans started their Independence Day celebration by voluntarily subjecting themselves to a Creeper/SwampThing led beat down. That’s right – two soaking wet weinkies made the trek from Davidson’s low-income housing of Summers Walk through 3 municipalities to deliver the fireworks. Here is what went down:

After we paid tribute to the Flag by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, we paid our respect to our fellow brothers who served out Country. We are forever grateful.

Mosey to the Davidson Stadium.

 The Thang:

To commemorate 240 years of Independence:

7 reps IC of 16 different exercises at Creeper pace X 4 Rounds

(Thank you Bada-Bing for pointing out that 7 Reps IC is not actually 7 reps)



Forward Lunge

Carolina Dry Docks

Diamond ‘Merkins

Marching Bridge (Rated R)


Plank Jack

Freddie Mercury



Low Flutter

Pass the baton to Swamp

Partner up – size does not matter. (I always find myself solo, so thank you Stumpjumper for your support)

Partners work as a team to complete 240 reps of the most American exercises time would allow:





Partner one ran 400 Meters while Partner 2 went to work on the moves. Once partner 2 completed the 400M run, both partners ran to the top of the stadium and then switched roles. Time elapsed before anyone made it to Lunges, but T-Claps to Creeper and Hacker for making it through the most dips.


Although YHC was scheduled as the 2nd Q, I was sure that with a late start time and the holiday, I would find myself leading my first-ever beat down. I was a little nervous to give the PAX the option of choosing Creeper or SwampThing as Creepers’ celebrity status among Isotope PAX could have easily left me with EVERYBODY or NOBODY. However, as Creeper and I compared Weinkies on the drive in, we made the fateful decision to combine both workouts. Hence the birth of “Two Wet Weinkies. The key for it to work was that we had to have a short warm-up and then Creeper would have to move FAST. It worked, and it sucked.  

T-Claps to Pine Tar for bringing two FNG’s from Atlanta! It makes it so easy when the FNG claims to be a diehard “Insert sports team” fan when asked to “tell us a little bit about yourself.” An Alabama fan is now “Urban Meyer” and the Kentucky fan is now “Probation”. Nice work and welcome to F3!

The Coffeteeria turnout was near 100% today and featured a very entertaining recollection of when Bada-Bing hiked the AT without a sleeping bag. Every detail of the story had the Pax on the edge of their wet seats. My favorite part of the week is sitting around and having Coffee with you guys.

Enjoy the holiday with your friends and family and be safe out on the roads tonight!

