25’s can add up

Eight of Racecity's finest sinewy roughnecks banded together for an epic butt-bruisin'.  Who would survive?  Who would fail? (Look at the list of names, it should be obvious).  YHC promised  a little something from the darkest, most disturbed recesses of his mind.  Kudo's to our standard bearers who ran first.  Thry don't care what the rest of us think of runners – they do it anyway (Rentacop, Loveshack, Manhands, Chief, Crack and Nymph).

Warm up

We sauntered around back – warm started with the usual burpee penalty due to manhands then:

25 SSH's

15 ISP's

12 DC Mericans

15 Mountain climbers

Run to lawn across street for a series of 25's

25 DC squats

25 DC bearcrawls (that's a hundred steps)

25 DC LBC's

25 Frog hops

25 DC Mericans

25 L/R Duckwalks

25 Burpees

Run to dumpster and back –

Repeato 2 more times doing 20's then 15's….

Run to original AO for

20 DC dips

10 DC decline mericans

10 DC Incline mericans

Round of Mary


The standard run must have involved hills or something because there was notable wincing during squats and duckwalks

First round included 25 burpees.  Chief finished his around 3:30pm.

Cutest line:  Rentacops genuine disbelief "You were serious about the burpees?"

Mailman played the "I think I saw an ant hill" card and refused to do any exercises that required touching organic ground.  In a show of brotherly solidarity Manhands also refused to exercise and also asked me to check his shorts for sharts.

Lear….is there any number of mericans, bear crawls or burpees he can't do??

Deep end – if Senator's record of 84 straight posts falls it will be to Deep end.

YHC showed up feeling a bit under-the-weather with some kinda bug and then when I got to work spent most of the day on the toilet.  That's what guys do.  To anyone I fist bumped earlier – if you now find yourself on the toilet, my apologies.

We're going to keep this work out and tweak it a little.  Needs bricks.

Prayers out to all the F3 brothers and their families whatever their needs and challenges.  Remember we are all here for one another.  If all this pain, aggravation and sweat adds up to one extra day on this earth with the people we love it;s all worth it.

Now show up next wednesday and put in 110% you bunch of candy-asses.