2nd Annual Denver AO to AO CSAUP

20 PAX including an FNG Jason and a couple Kotters hit the streets of Denver for the second annual AO to AO Ruck. The intent has been that despite suffering through the miles, those that participate get to know a bit more about the other PAX members through the 2nd F that is afforded with logging the miles with weight. Not to short change the 3rd F that comes with knowing that you can make it despite the soreness, tiredness and that little voice that needs to be shut down immediately.  We talked it up, blasted across East Lake and we more than doubled last year’s participation.

The route was somewhat similar last year only backwards. Shuttle cars meet up at Mustang at 8 PM and we make our way back to SVU. One car has the task of dropping collection jugs along the way only to be reclaimed later that evening from the team. We arrive to a full parking lot at SVU as the guys are prepping their feet, fist bumping while sharing their F3 name and ensuring their equipment was ready for the miles to come.

2045 and Cadre Hefty takes command. A little bit of an overview and the welcome party commences. A small warm-up then cadre separates those that posted Friday morning from those that didn’t. Partner equipment check out, rucks overhead for an extended period and selection of the first 2 TLs is complete. We are off (2 team weights, 2 flags) … Heading out to the SVU Entrance Pax does a good job of staying in formation and avoiding those cars that are attempting to take out the SVU fountain. Head left down Burton where despite this being a dead-end road at Governors Island a lot of traffic comes through, curious onlookers as one would expect.  

 Continuing onto Blades roughly a mile in we see an unidentified object and it is none other than Vortex ready and waiting to supply the Pax with a beverage of choice. Cadre reminds the team that we have only just begun and to choose wisely on what is selected.  Waving goodbye and we continue to the start of Lake Shore N where the next selection of TLs occurs and mission provided. Objective is somewhere along the next portion of the route you are to reclaim 6 chem lights. Next portion of route provided from navigation lead and again we are off. Boone knowing where cadre Ziploc lives, giddily reclaims the first before proceeding reluctantly once identifying it is a Jerry can. To his delight it was empty though foreshadowing the next chem lights to be collected.  Continuing onto Fairfield Forest the lead Pax are staying alert for coupons to retrieve while those in the back are chuckling with the resemblance to easter egg hunt. As we continue the route we stumble upon a teenage rave that appears to be just getting started at Fairfield Methodist. Car after car arrive and we slow our march to accommodate. Questions acknowledged and pleasantries exchanged. Just beyond Lincoln County’s finest greet us to ensure everything is going smoothly.   

Down 16 we swap TLs at Westport Baptist with an interesting dynamic of FNG and experienced rucker. Lessons shared and all remain diligent at crossing route through the villages and up Airlie parkway to the “midway” point.  Cadre handoff, Rucks down, a few exercises to get everyone loose prior to enjoying a 25 minute rest to fill waters, check feet and enjoy an adult beverage if so chooses. New team leads selected, Rucks up and we are off again. Out and back to Sally’s Y was a crowd pleaser prior to navigating the crossing of New 16 onto Optimist Club road. Long slow march up Little Egypt road as the finishing stretch which from recollection wasn’t completely uphill last year 😉  As we make our way towards endex our TLs are given instruction to navigate to the track behind Catawba Springs for a little bit of fun. 

Long lap around the track and team is put into formation. Cadre splits the team up and they are advised on the importance of following instruction and working together as a team. Passing rate of 95% on the pre-ruck donation and we do 10 Pullups, 20 merkins and 30 squats.  Much welcome and everyone felt this was pretty easy as compared to what they’d navigated to that point. March to Endex and we are FIN.  Circle up as we have a FNG to be named. All impressed through the evening with this guy Jason who posts for the first time on Friday the 13th  name-o-rama pretty well centered on the horror classic and AYEs acknowledge our newest member Machete. Welcome Brother!!

COT, donations collected and patches distributed we wrap just after 2 AM.


–        I logged 14.17 miles. If you have a different number you suck at following instruction.

–        Much love given to the coupons for the evening to the point where pax at times were fighting over them. If you didn’t share enough of the coupon love then chances are someone was hoarding it.  

–        Great fellowship and pretty sure everyone got to know their fellow teammates and PAX a bit better.     

–        Stories of those that wanted to quit are inspiring given full pass rate and the understanding that is amazing to think what the body is capable of when you don’t let doubt take over. #GYMR

–        T-claps to those that still posted on Saturday morning or fulfilled their family duties.


Stories to share, is annual frequent enough and biggest blister stories are all welcomed in the comments.

Comet, Anvil, Sonar, Ironclad, Blart, C#, 66, Blackbeard, Metrodog, Mulligan, Boone, Hefty, Mater, Goodwrench, Skipper, Abrams, Retread, Machete, Scope, Ziploc